Where’s rockle?
Just an FYI to the timeshifters and west coasters: Survivor airs on the east coast in one minute, so expect spoilers immediately after the OP.
Where’s rockle?
Just an FYI to the timeshifters and west coasters: Survivor airs on the east coast in one minute, so expect spoilers immediately after the OP.
You know what’s really ironic? No, not rain on your wedding day. Shut up. What’s really ironic is that the strongest guy on the Fans tribe is completely dependent on the three weakest members to get anything done. It looks from the previews like he’s going to regret THIS boot, too. Way to go, Joel!
Crafty, crafty little water weasel Ozzy…but I was actually kind of hoping Kathy was going to find it.
Okay, I can see that Bon Jovi, Jr. is marked for death now…NOBODY interrupts Peachy. Nobody.
Nice alliance you got going there, Joel. You and the Three Stooges. Good luck winning any more challenges. (Although I guess the preview makes it all moot.)
Yummy yummy water challenge. So many bikinis, so little time. The preview…(highlight to read)…pissed me off, because I’m so digging a tribe that includes Amanda, Parvati, Ami and Eliza. There’s no way all 6 of the favorites I’m rooting for – the four mentioned plus Ozzy and James – will all be safe next week. Boooo!
The challenges were nice this episode, and for that matter this whole season. They all seem to include a physical component followed by a puzzle, which is a disincentive to just keep big strong guys around. Though I was almost as surprised as James that he solved the reward challenge puzzle.
James cracked me up with his comment to Eliza: “You’re sick and you have attitude?!” hehheh.
Ozzy is the friggin’ man. Two island hops and he says he’s running out of light. Which apparently meant he had plenty of time to swim to two more islands, find the HII, get back to “camp”, whittle a fake HII, and then hide the fake back in the original spot, all with plenty of light left.
The fans tribe is so meh. I have no feeling about them at all. Did I mention that I was pissed by the preview?
I hope I’m not verging on the sacreligious here, but I gotta say that Ozzy impresses me … dare I say it? … as much as or more than Rob. He is not only a natural athlete, but a natural thinker. If he could just stay out of the clutches of women, he’d probably be one of the great players of the game. I’m afraid his erection is his Achilles heel.
Incidentally, Ellis, just so you know… not everyone uses a white background. I use gray, and your white text shown like the noon-day sun. (There’s some guy who signs his posts with a “hidden” f’nord or something like that, and I kind of chuckle when I see it because he doesn’t realize it stands out so strongly on some people’s screens.)
how do you do that?!?!
That was such a bonehead move on Joel’s part. Are we sure they’re fans of this show?
I feel fairly safe, after 3 episodes, in saying that they almost certainly did NOT cast Joel for his wily, strategic mind.
You can add color or any other CSS style element you wish.
I was hoping one of the fans would have been smart enough to take one of the all-stars coconuts at the front of the cage, bring it up to the surface and fling it water polo style away from the beach. Not sure if that would have brought a bad sportsmanship penalty (or if touching another teams nuts was expressly forbidden in a scene we didn’t see) but it was quite clear they had no hope of catching up.
I am really rooting for Ozzy after last night’s episode. A little more work on his part underwater at the challenge gave the rest of his team a boost. And then on Exile Island he found the real idol, and hid a fake idol. Unfortunately, I fear he’ll be seen as a threat. Plus with the preview . . .
The fans mostly struck me as whiny and interchangeable last night–although I’ll admit that some of that is due to not watching last week at all, and watching mostly on mute the week before.
One of the fans looked like he was going to try, then thought better of it. Ozzy was bringing up the coconut, so trying to steal it would be…a bad idea for someone not a water polo player.
Ozzy really impressed me with his play in the water. Good thinking on his part to maximise his strengths and minimise those of his teammates. The the sneakiness on Exile Island sealed the deal.
I still wish they had a deal with HBO to broadcast the show unfuzzed and in HD. :mad:
I’m not too worried about the preview. Since when have they been remotely accurate?
Heh. The whole misdirection thing with Chet last night was ridiculous for its transparency.
I am so in love with Ozzy.
[Olive Oyl]swoon Whatta man! [/Olive Oyl]
Wow. Ozzy might be even a better player than he was first time around. He has to be very careful about the huge target on his back. I think it’ll be impossible for him to win, but at least he’d got the II. Look for his tribe to get rid of him just before the merge.
Joel, aka The Ogre, is such an idiot. Might as well rename your tribe “The Losers” and be done with it. Although redemption might come from
mixing up the tribes next week.
James is by far the most fun to watch in camp.
“I can’t believe we voted out Yau instead of Eliza.”
“I’m right here you know.”
“Yeah, but you’re about to die.”
I know it’s been asked before, but why on earth does Jeff keep referring to Jonathan as “Penner” during challenges? I know it’s his last name, but it’s not what anyone else calls him, there’s no other Jonathan (or even John now that Fairplay’s gone, and Jeff called him “Fairplay” anyway) in the game, and it confuses me (and I’d guess a lot of other people) every time he does it. If we saw even one scene where Jonathan called him “Probst”, I’d get it as some kind of in-joke, but there’s not even that.
How did Chet get chosen to be on the show, anyway? From CBS.com: ‘He enjoys swimming, hiking, kayaking, dancing and yoga. Welch describes himself as magical, determined and unknowing.’
‘Unknowing’? That seems pretty obvious. ‘Determined’? Doesn’t look like it. And as for enjoying swimming, what does that mean? Lolling about in the shallow end of a hotel swimming pool? He doesn’t seem to be very good at it. I do a bit of casual kayaking (in an Ocean Kayak sit-on-top – nothing really serious). It doesn’t take a lot of strength to paddle a kayak, but it does take some endurance on a three-hour jaunt or an eight-hour tour. Chet doesn’t seem to have much endurance. What kind of kayaking does he do?
Did Chet have a really impressive application video? Or did the suits say, ‘Hey, we need a Token Gay Guy.’?
My guess is that they try and get a group that will create some friction. Putting Chet in with someone like Joel is bound to do that. Also, the crazy older woman (can’t remember her name) who as clueless about gay people.
Absolutely the best dialog I’ve ever heard on Survivor. If not for Paula Abdul’s “I want to squeeze your head and hang you from my rearview mirror” remark this week, it would be the best comment on any reality show ever. James is just awesome.
Ozzy certainly rocks, and had a spectacular episode. But his Pointy Stick Fake Idol wouldn’t fool a retarded lemur. But maybe Joel.
A retarded lemur could fool Joel.
Jonathan and Jeff had a great relationship on Cook Islands. I remember him sassing back a lot, and I’m fairly certain he did call him Probst when he did. It’s one of the reasons I was so glad to see him on this cast - I really enjoyed their faux-animosity, and it looked like they both enjoyed it as well. So much better than that affectation Jonny Assplay tried to pull off.
And thanks, Liberal! Very cool!