And the girl train keeps on a’rollin’.
The final vote was rather anti-climatic, given all the drama Troy tried to stir up. But it should be obvious to some people now just where they stand in the pecking order. I think if I were Kim I would have taken two other people with me to Reward. Maybe Tarzan and Kat. That would have negated any of Troy’s machinations.
I think Kat is really pretty – gorgeous eyes. Too bad there’s abso-freakin’-lutely nothing going on behind them.
But it is nice to see the breeze blow through. In one ear, a small dust devil in the cerebrum, then out the other ear. Very pretty.
The season remained watchable while there were still two people actually playing. Now that there’s only one, I’m not sure I’m going to be able to stick it out.
The fact that the whole “Let’s catch the pig!” scene was my favorite part of this episode, unfortunately, says a lot.
I can’t decide if I believe Christina when she says she has a strategy. If she does, then props to her playing as vacant as she is. If she doesn’t, she must know she’s dead in the water.
I think Kat, OTOH, needs a refresher course on what it means not to be a weak player. But then again maybe her “dumb blonde” persona is an act too because I cannot believe anybody can be that… well, Kat-like.
I’ve got to wonder if Alicia had been informed that Survivor was actually going to be broadcast in the United States. Because if my kid was in her special-needs class, I’d be pulling her, and bitching to the school board to fire Alicia. “She’s got an IQ of 0. I’m a special needs teacher, so I know how to handle people like that.” Could she possibly have shown any more contempt for her students?
Anyone else chant “Kill the pig! Cut her throat! Spill her blood!” as they chased it around? I wonder if the producers (a) released it for them and (b) would really have let them kill, butcher, and eat it.
I think next week is when it gets interesting. On the surface it should be an easy vote: the last remaining guy.
But the thing is, I think all of them (well, maybe not Kat) realize that Tarzan would be an excellent person to have sitting beside them at the end. But choosing anyone besides him to be the target means openly admitting that the Women’s Alliance is DEAD.
At which point, absolutely everyone with any brains at all has to start scrambling. And Kim, with her acknowledged leadership and her recent pattern of immunity wins, is the one everyone should want to target. I think the best play for the rest is to agree to split their votes between Kim and whoever they perceive as number 2 – likely Chelsea.
Oh, and that reward challenge was a disaster for Kim. She should never have let herself win it. Failing that, she should have taken TROYSAN along. Keep him away from the iffy members of her tribe. There’s reason behind keeping your enemies close.
For the reward, Kim wanted to bring Chelsea. Chelsea and her have been very tight since the game begun, and I have no doubt that they want to be the 2 at the end. (If it’s 2). If it’s 3 they want Tarzan with them. She also knew if she won the reward and got to take 2, she wanted to make sure that Alicia/Christina/Troyzan weren’t left together. So she takes Alicia to keep her away from Troyzan and hopes that Sebrina can keep things in order with Christina and Troyzan (and Kat for that matter).
My guess is the order looks something like this:
But now, due to the reward, Alicia thinks she’s much higher than that. So she’s not flipping. It really looks like the 3person voting block of Kim, Chelsea and Tarzan will control the game becuase in any scenario, they always have a 4th vote(ie. if they go for Sebrina, Alicia will happily join them and vice versa)
This game has gotten a little stale due to the success of people making and keeping strong alliances. They see no advantage to backstabbing. (Or winning apparently)
I think Chelsea and Sabrina are “playing” but they’re on the same side as Kim, which negates anything interesting happening. But yeah, everyone else is stupid.
I don’t know why Tarzan waited until now to finally start voting with Troy and against the girls.
Kat’s obviously dim. She finally figures out that she’s on the bottom of the 4-woman alliance, yet complains for all the wrong reasons. How does not being picked for reward equal you being a weak player? Ugh. It was pretty funny when she said “everyone thinks I can’t make my own decisions… what do I do?”
I’ve lost what little respect I had for Christina. Originally I liked her just because she hated Alicia (who I still can’t stand), but Christina must really be getting a good edit given how much other people seem to hate her. And she’s just as bad as Kat. Your alliance just told you straight out they were throwing two votes your way. And she’s just like “yeah ok whatever.” I can’t believe how stupid Sabrina was to let that slip, but Christina followed it up by not caring. Is the lack of food/rest really getting to her that badly? Ye gods.
I was hoping there would be a Lord of the Flies moment with the pig. In reality if they tried to kill the pig the meat would probably spoil faster than they imagine and you’d have a cast of sick people.
Everyone is commenting on how clueless Kat is, but what about Christina? They blatantly tell her, we’re splitting our vote in case he has an idol, and then you will go home, you okay with that? And she’s like, Yeah that’s good with me. WTF? At least fake it and say Tarzan. I have no idea why they would tell her and simultaneously why she would be okay with that.
Tarzan is not playing to win.
That’s the conclusion I came up with yesterday (before watching the show). He realized early on he couldn’t win with this group (and probably with any group - he’s a surgeon for crying out loud and way older/weaker than everybody else there). So he’s playing to go as far as he can, which nicely explains both his craziness (which I always thought was a bit of a put-on, to be honest) and his voting patterns. He has to be considered a reasonably good bet for Final 3, which is just about the best a player with his profile could ever hope for.
As for Christina, I think she might be dumber than Kat. She’s just mastered the “remain silent” part. Kat at least seems to realize her situation, if not really understand what to do with that information. I almost believe that Christina would have written her own name down if Kim told her to (and it were allowed).
Oh, and Tarzan didn’t vote with Troy - he did exactly what the girls asked him to do. Christina got 3 votes - the two from the girl+Tarzan alliance and Troy’s (which he only knew to do because she told him they were voting for her). Chelsea got Christina’s vote and Troy got the other 4.
Sabrina is looking dangerously like the “less popular strategic player” - a ripe position to be blindsided as too dangerous. Why would Kim keep her around in place of Tarzan now that the numbers are low enough?
Unfortunately this episode followed the familiar pattern of this season; it’s obvious, after the immunity challenge, who is going home, yet the producers manage to wrangle or coax enough footage to make it seem like it could be somebody else and fill a segment. Then, no surprise, it’s who we knew it would be.
I loved that the burnt dummies had skeletons.
Meant to add - Sabrina told her because she wanted to suck up to her for her jury vote. She even had an interview to that effect.
As to why Christina was OK with that? The only thing I can think of is that she somehow knows (or strongly suspects) that Troy didn’t have the idol and so didn’t really feel any danger. Why rock the boat over something pretty meaningless? Although more likely she’s just as weak and passive as she appears (I’ll never get beyond her stroking Colton’s forehead after the way he treated her - girl seems to not mind getting walked over very much).
If Christina wasn’t dumb as a box of hammers, and Alicia wasn’t a colossal bitch, they could have easily turned the tables on the 4 girl alliance. I have to assume that Kim had Tarzan vote for Christina in the event that he flipped it wouldn’t have an effect when Troy votes with the group that split their votes.
Worst strategic move that Kim has done so far is win that immunity challenge which would have been easy to throw.
Everyone should remember that Kim has a Hidden Immunity Idol in “her crotch”.
Troy was an immature asshole, turning his back on the challenge when he lost the first round (to TARZAN! Burn!). He personified the term Bad Sport. I did like when Alicia yelled "It’s my island! at him at the reward challenge.
Don’t you mean the reward challenge? Never throw immunity away. But throwing the Reward would have been easy. Just pick a few wrong names along the way.
There is no bigger Survivor fan out there than me(well, maybe Cochran), but I have to admit this season is one of the most dull ones.
I’ll still watch it and enjoy it, as well with next year’s.
Oops. I meant to say reward challenge. She should have thrown it, and in doing so make people feel better about themselves. No need to say Christina is the most undeserving, etc.
I will say that both challenges were good. I loved the detail in the dummies (though I wish they did the “knock people out” challenge a bit earlier in the game). And I’m not going to complain about any challenge that results in five attractive women slathering themselves in oil, even if Troy probably thought it was silly and cost him a million dollars. Ha.