The Roros came back from the last TC. The next morning the men felt threatened; they all got up early and began doing chores around the camp. The women thought life was good.
Adam went fishing and caught an octopus. Or, depending on your point of view, was caught by an octopus - it wrapped itself around his ankle and wouldn’t let go so he walked it back to camp where Nate was able to pry if off.
Several clips were shown of Christina telling the other players what to do intercut with the players complaining about how Christina was acting bossy (comparisons were made to JP). Christina was washing the cut up octopus at the shoreline and accidentally spilled some of the meat into the ocean. Adam showed up to help her and she made some remark that implied she felt Jenny was partly to blame for the accident (Jenny had been nearby while Christina was working and had walked away. Christina felt that Jenny should have stayed to help.) The incident was relayed around the tribe and everyone, especially Adam and Jenny, was mad at Christina.
The reward challenge was for wine, spices, and fishing equipment. It was an endurance weight-lifting contest. The tribes were organized into three pairs with each person holding a rope over a pulley to a hook. The remaining players piled weights on to the hooks. Adam and Nate were together on one stand and gave one of the most homoerotic performances in Survivor history. Yul and Jonathan were paired together and Yul unexpectedly was the first player to drop his rope. Candice and Sundra were a team; Candice held up pretty well, but Sundra dropped her rope next. Flicka and Ozzy were the only surviving Aitu pair. Stephannie and Rebecca were paired and one of them (I forget which) dropped her rope. Flicka did some trash talking and held up pretty well but she eventually lost her rope. Adam/Nate and Christina/Brad won if for Aitu. Adam suggested they send one of the people who’d already been on Exile Island back and Jonathan was sent. He spent hours looking for the idol but obviously didn’t find it.
Cao Boi, Ozzy, and Flicka decided to take the boat and paddle to another island. They tried to convince Sundra to join them but she realized it was suspected it was going to be a push to form an alliance and didn’t want to participate. Instead once they boaters left, the allies talked to Sundra and invited her to join them as a fifth. She accepted. Meanwhile the boaters arrived on the other island and started looking for fruit. Instead they ended up wandering into the Raro camp. The Raros clearly were not happy to see them (somebody made a comment about it being the three Aitus they least wanted to see) but Cao Boi insisted on inviting himself in. There was an awkward silence and then Cao Boi began telling some long rambling history about Vietnamese mythology. Cao Boi then trying to get some help from the Raros to hunt for coconuts and asked if he could have some of the spices they had won but the Raros (especially Adam) flat out said no.
The immunity challenge was a balance race in the ocean. The tribes had to built platform poles on the beach. Two members of each tribe had to climb up a platform and then the other players had to use to poles to form a moving bridge for them to walk across to another platform. Then when those two had reached the second platofrm, everybody would race to a third very small platform which all eight team members had to climb up on and balance on simultaneously (while groping each other in wet swimsuits). The race was very close but the Aitus won it.
At Raro camp, everybody seemed in agreement to vote off Christina. Then Nate and Stephanie went to get water and Stephanie made a comment that she had figured it it hadn’t been Christina, it would have been her getting voted off and if that had happened she would have at least been eating mashed potatoes and gravy that night. Nate decided this meant Stephannie had given up on the game and passed a distorted version of what she said around. It got back to Stephannie and she said that she did still want to stay in the game. It appeared it was a dead issue but at Tribal Council, everybody voted for her (she voted for Christina) and she got booted. In her end-credt confessional, she admitted she wasn’t committed to the game and the other players had sensed it.
In the previews: In next week’s episode, there will be a challenge (presumedly for a reward) after which both teams will have to vote off a member.