Survivor: Gabon Finale 12/14/2008

What the hell was with Ace’s speech during the “collect all the contestant’s masks and burn them” segment? “I’m very well traveled, so I couldn’t connect with all these bumpkins who’ve never left their hometown.” Nice.

And yeah, Sugar basically surrendered during the final TC. Even when Bob gave her openings, like saying that he let Sugar call the strategic shots, she just gave up.

Seriously! What the fuck did that even mean? Bob’s a high school that is apparently beloved by his students. He’s married and they still act like newlyweds at nearly 60 and he’s got a son that he seems ridiculously proud of. And then in Gabon, he helped Sugar get over the pain of her dad dying.

Bob is fucking awesome!

I’m convinced the people that voted for Susie did so just to stick to Bob and Sugar because they knew they were better.

Inspired by the reunion show, some thoughts about a few of the contestants who had early exits from the game:

Ace: He seemed like kind of a tool during the game, but that may have been a result of editing. It would have been interesting to see him go a little further.

Jacquie: I really liked what little we saw of her in the game. Smart, athletic, attractive, and likeable. I’m really sorry she didn’t go further. A victim of the early tribe shake-up, IIRC.

Michelle: Revealed herself as a shallow, snobby bitch from day 1 when she whined and moped about not being on the tribe with all the attractive people. Her moment in the reunion show did nothing to change my perception of her.

GC: Seemed ill-prepared for the social aspect of the game. And way to reinforce sterotypes with the “Popeye’s” comment on the reunion show. :stuck_out_tongue:

Paloma: Cute girl–seemed to have a decent personality. Another one I wish we could have gotten to know a little better.
Also, I just wanted to add that Marcus stood out to me among the jury members as a class act. At the reunion show when Jeff asked him why Sugar got shut out in the final vote, Marcus was able to imply that perhaps Sugar got a very favorable edit without saying anything rude or really negative about her. It’s a shame he allied himself with Randy and Corrinne. I’m kinda meh about Charlie–he just came across as a sycophant, grateful to be hanging out with the “popular” kids.

I love that at the reunion show Jeff asks the questions that the viewers want to know, like “Is that a fake accent, Ace?” or “If you’re an Olympic gold medalist, Crystal, then why do you suck so much at athletic challenges?” And “Corrinne, are you really such a huge bitch?” Or words to that effect.

Hear, hear. Probst was money this reunion show. Some of the quick responses were good, too. Very approximate example quotes:

Jeff: Bob, where did you get the string for the fake Immunity Necklace? We don’t give you anything.
Bob: I take stuff.

Jeff: Matty, not being able to make fire cost you $1 million. [To tv audience] Folks, if you’re ever on Survivor, practice making fire first. It’s a huge part of the game.
Matty: I was never good at homework.

I’m sorry, his moral superiority at the final TC really turned me off of him. If I were Suze I would have told him, “Yes, it IS just a game, and the rules don’t say we have to honor our alliances. I was dangling off the end of your alliance, the next one to go, and I saved myself. So you can stuff your santimony where your colleagues at the emergency room will have to extract it.”

Survivor Rules:

Rule #1: The day you send your tape to Burnett, drive to JCPenney’s from the post office and buy a Boy Scout Handbook. Seriously. And READ IT! Seriously!


Kenny dear there’s only one person in the entire world who would give up an immunity necklace to save you over herself. That person is your mother and she wasn’t playing Survivor.

OTOH, he did realize – and admit in so many words – that the reason he lost is that he got cocky.

I really wished that Jeff brought up Kenny and the idol during the reunion to see if he was really mad about it, or if he was just trying to play it up for strategy. Because he really had no reason to be angry about not having the idol, unless he had gone home from that vote.

And is this the first Survivor where he finalist were actively trying to get a final without any worthless players? Any other season and it would have been Crystal and Susie in the final along with Bob or Suger or Matty.

I thought that was a really bizarre thing for her to say. Like someone who is nice ONLY has that as a personality dimension, and the only way to be interesting is to be a mean horrible person. Well, sure, Corrine, being “nice” isn’t necessarily interesting, but you can be nice and funny at the same time, nice and well-read at the same time, nice and a good conversationalist at the same time. You might want to explore some new ways to make yourself interesting.

I thought that when Bob was answering Kenny’s question about the immunity necklace, he should have reminded him that he made SURE that Kenny wasn’t going to be the next to go, so he upheld the spirit of giving it to him, but didn’t have to sacrifice himself to do it. Of course, Bob won, so who am I to second-guess how he handled it? :slight_smile:

I was really, really pleased that Bob won. First time ever that I predicted the winner in the first episode!

I want to make one request to the producers.
Can we please has the final challenge be a pure endurance challenge? No balancing on a stick, no holding up a tower of objects, just standing in an uncomfortable position for hours on end. Then it really comes down to just pure willpower and you get a lot of wheeling and dealing going on too.

I really wish they had given them longer than 30 minutes to build the tower. I say give them several hours.

I agree that Marcus was able to tactfully explain how Sugars behavior became tiresome day after day. Both he and Charlie seem like such genuinely decent guys. Too bad they lined themselves up with Corinne. Now I can’t help but wonder if they (especially Charlie) voted according to how Corinne convinced them to.

There are no words to describe just how much I hate Corinne. I have been wracking my brain trying to figure out how a person can be THAT hateful, and so proud of it when being booed by an entire audience in front of millions of viewers at home. Are her parents ashamed of her? (I would be if my kid acted like this.)

I fully expected her to be all nice and a little ashamed of herself at the reunion show, and even possibly pretending to be Sugars BFF, just to wash away any bad feelings we would have for her. But no. She really is that much of a bitch.

I keep coming back to something I learned about children when mine were young. They will do anything for attention. If they don’t get attention when they are being good, they will get attention from being rotten. Maybe this is the only way she knows to stand out in a crowd.

Randy, also an unlikeable bastard, doesn’t bother me quite as much. He is clearly bitter and lonely, in a “my-dog’s-my-only-friend” kind of way. His sullen, pissy-face was cracking me up during the reunion… like a spoiled child. Yeah, Randy, you got humiliated. But you were a bastard and deserved it! Get over it already.

Am I the only one who was wishing and half expecting Bob to give Sugar the $100,000? After all, he would not have been there to win the million if it weren’t for Sugar. We all knew when it came down to the final 4 that no one could win against Bob with that jury. Sugar hung herself and every remaining non-Bob when she split the final vote. Deep down she had to know he would win.

If the jury had been voting according to who played the best game, instead of being driven by bitterness and revenge, Sugar would have gotten some votes just for making it to the end against all odds. Suzie would have got none. Bob still would have won.

Sugar played the best. She kept eating well on exile island. She got zero votes for voting off. She should have won. She flew under the radar for the whole game . I do not know why they turned on her.

I think the difference between Randy and Corinne is that he was just naturally lonely and angry. I’ve known guys like him. And he really does have a heart. Inviting six survivor fans that you don’t even know to the reunion was probably the coolest thing ever.

I took that as “Randy is such an asshole that he doesn’t have one single friend to invite so he picked some random strangers.”

Still a cool thing for those six people, though.

He claimed that he had friends who wanted to come, but they didn’t watch Survivor until Randy came on, so he invited the real fans. Randy’s been applying since Season 3, so I guess he’s a big fan.

I see Randy as Ebenezer Scrooge. Scrooge lost his love (Belle) and became a bitter and lonely man after that. Given the information Randy stated, his non-answers and joking ones to some questions, and his facial expressions and body language, I suspect he’s been emotionally wounded. Rather than admit it, he displays a Scrooge-like facade. He’s a jerk and a dislikable person; but I have a feeling he deserves more pity than scorn.

Which is exactly why he got cheers and Corrine got boos. I think all the fans of Survivor want him to be better. He’s probably gotten a lot more hugs recently.

I can definitely see him coming back for the next all-stars, along with Sugar.

When discussing Corinne in the weekly threads before her ouster I pretty much always referred to her as a “bitch.” And I felt kinda bad about that because it also seemed like she was playing a bitchy character. Laying it on thick for the audience (and the other Survivors) as it were.

Nope. That’s how she is deep down to her core and I no longer feel bad about it.

Bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch.

BTW, did anyone happen to catch the Early Show this morning? Bob seemed pretty uncomfortable at the live show, so I’m wondering how he did and if he revealed anything new.