Survivor: Worlds Apart Cast announced.

From EW.

White Collar/Blue Collar/No Collar

The usual collection of vapid airheads and random beefcake. Probst promises a new twist to the game this season. Premieres Feb. 25.

Doesn’t seem to have the usual “sacrificial” old fart on a tribe this season.

As long as there’s no returnees from previous seasons and no redemption island, I’ll watch.

Preach it!

I much prefer these kinds of casts to the ones with old ladies and fat guys. They don’t seem especially beefcake to me, they’re just young. Whoa! That tall blonde in the tan bikini on the top left in the top picture, though…

Which one is she? The hairdresser?

I want at least one “old age and treachery guy” so I can root for him, and watch him out think the kids. Some of them have done very well.

Unless the show is all returnees, which is nice once in a while. But dont mix them.


I can’t watch more that five minutes of this show without wanting to poke my eyes out but I may make an exception this season because one of the contestants, Tyler Fredrickson, is the son of one of my co-workers.

This is actually the third time that I am one degree of separation from a Survivor contestant. The other two were a good friend of a good friend and a guy who worked at former place of employment but left before I started there.

Most notably Bob Crowley in Season 17 Survivor: Gabon.

No one is “super old” (60 or up for this show), but each team does seem to have one person that will be seen as old/physically not as useful. The white-collar tribe has five people between 27 and 37 and one 52-year-old. The outlier for the blue collar tribe seems to be me to be the bearded guy with the pot belly (postal driver). Not sure on the no-collar tribe though… maybe the Youtube sensation, Will Sims? They’ll be a tough tribe to figure out though.

No lawyer, and the law student ends up on the no-collar tribe? Eh… she better be a ‘I want to save everyone’ hippie type for that to make sense. She is from SF, though…

True, they’re usually the only thing that makes watching the parts in-between challenges sufferable.

Watching Survivor is a ritual with us and we even have $5 bets on who will last longer, so I’ll be there regardless. I would also like an old fart to pull for, but I’ll make my choice(s) when I can see them in the first episode.

I keep wanting them to have yo-yo contests or spin-the-bottle! :smiley:

Tomorrow night, people! Pop your popcorn and pick a tribe!

Overwhelmingly Californian. Which tells me Survivor is no longer getting enough recruits from among its viewers. They are forced to pad the roster with young Californians looking for their big break.

I thought that Survivor had been seeking out people itself for at least a decade. They do take people that apply, but they find most people themselves.

Not “forced to”- they get thousands of applications from their viewers.

But it’s Hollywood, and by and large viewers want to look at young buff people with overly white teeth.

It tells me that the people behind this very popular and long lasting show know exactly what they’re doing. For whatever reason, that’s what people want to see.