I’m sick to death of all SUV drivers being tarred with the same brush. Now granted, there are a lot of people who drive SUVs who don’t really need them. Nevertheless, there are a number of people who really do need what SUVs offer, and that passenger cars do not.
BTW, this rant is primarily directed at my (adult) step-daughter, who never seems to miss an opportunity to criticize my and my wife’s choice of vehicles. That being the case, I’m already gun-shy on the issue, so when I get a response like the following in this thread, after I’ve already mentioned that I frequently go off-road, it really sets me off. (BTW, thanks for the defense, Philster.)
Yes, it is OK to drive an SUV, and for me, here’s why:
[ul][li]As an environmental engineer, I frequently drive around landfills, construction sites, demolition sites, undeveloped sites, abandoned sites, etc. Much of this travel is off-road. I’ve just spent the entire summer at a landfill that includes much of the above, along with frequent travel up and down 3H:1V slopes. The landfill alone encompasses over 60 acres, so walking is not really an option.[/li]
[li]Some of my work involves bringing equipment to sites, including surveying equipment, monitoring well equipment, sample coolers, pipe/cable locators, etc. I can drop the back seats down in my SUV and fit all of this gear in easily.[/li]
[li]On the weekends, my family likes to go camping, and we bring our canoe. For the former, I need cargo space and passenger space, and for the latter, I need a roof rack. All are provided by an SUV.[/li]
[li]As a homeowner, I can haul a lot of do-it-yourself things home in an SUV, including 8-foot long baseboards/molding, 12-foot long ladders, 20 gallons of paint/primer, etc.[/li]
[li]I live in a very rural area. I’m lucky to see a snow plow before noon after one of our typical snow storms. A 4-wheel drive vehicle is the only way for me to get to work. I would have missed at least 10 days of work last winter without it.[/li][/ul]
I do understand that, IMHO, some of the SUVs out there are pretty ridiculous, size-wise, including the Chevy Suburban, Ford Expedition/Excursion, Toyota Sequoia, Nissan Pathfinder Armada, and the like. If the drivers of these vehicles never leave the pavement, never see snow, and/or transport nothing more than groceries, it’s even more silly. But for crying out loud, I drive an ordinary Nissan Pathfinder, and my wife (who out of the list above, mainly has to deal only with the snow) drives a Subaru Outback. We actually made a conscious effort not to get larger vehicles than we thought we needed.
And while I’m at it, why is it that large 4-wheel drive pickup trucks don’t have the same bad reputation as SUVs? (Actually, it’s probably because fewer soccer moms are driving them.) Personally, I don’t want a pickup, as I then lose much of the passenger space.
Anyway, I guess the point of this rant is that “SUV” does not automatically equal “bad.”