I’m working on finishing my PhD thesis. I’m also teaching full time at another college. My PhD has been dragging on FOR-EV-ER, mostly because I am totally bored with it and burnt out on it, and I find teaching much more interesting and rewarding, and my teaching responsibilities are full of hard deadlines and the like which means my thesis work always gets shoved aside to do more urgent work. I stress about it constantly, but when I sit down to work on it, I am suddenly distracted by every stray breeze and I will do anything to procrastinate on it.
So, I had this dream last night.
I was in a mental institution. I didn’t remember exactly why I was there, but I definitely had the idea that everybody else there was considerably loonier than me. (Maybe everyone at a mental institution feels that way . . . I dunno.)
There was this restraint on my ankle. But the weird thing is that you can open it if you know the combination, and every patient knows the combination for his/her ankle restraint. That makes sense, I thought, (using impecable dream logic.) You can open your restraint, but if you’re really wigging out, of course, you won’t be with-it enough to remember your combination.
Okay, so, are we getting it so far? I’m locked up, trapped, being held back, right? But I know how to release myself . . . as long as I’m not too crazy to do it.
If that wasn’t the most blindingly obvious ham-handed dream imagery you’ve ever heard of, just wait–later on in the dream, I met the adminstrator for the mental institution who was none other than . . . my thesis advisor.
I had a dream a couple of weeks ago that I’d cut off my Hubby’s penis. At his request. He’d read that having it reattached would make it better than ever.
Funny part is, in my dream he never got around to gettint it put back on. It was floating around our bathtub (needed to stay wet and all) and I’m like, “Are you ever going to get your penis put back on?”
Hell, that ain’t hardly even obvious. Lemme tell you about this dream I had when I was about to graduate high-school:
Seems everyone in my graduating class was at a train station. And we all had candy bars. The candy bars were also tickets to get on the train. And all the kids who were dumb, or lazy, or whom I did not like for some reason, went and ate their candy bars. And then when the train showed up, they couldn’t get on with the rest of us, and were left behind.
I’m still kinda pissed that my subconscious was so totally lacking in subtlety.
One of mine was pretty blindlingly obvious. I was going to have breakfast with an ex-girlfriend the next morning. I hadn’t seen her for a while, and I was pretty excited about it.
In the dream, I was driving to breakfast, and really stoked to see her. Then I woke up. I noticed some bare feet sticking out from under my bed, so I grabbed them, and dragged out the corpse of my ex-girlfriend.
Then I actually woke up.
Intrepretation: The relationship is dead. Stop hoping.
The night before I tested for my black belt in tae kwon do, I had a dream in which I was trapped in a doorless, windowless room. The walls were moving in on me. It was constructed entirely out of 1.5-inch-thick pine boards - the type we break in TKD. In order to get out of the room and not get crushed to death, I had to kick my way through the walls.
Yeah, take a guess what part of the exam I was most unsure about?