TA DA!!! My Vacation Pics Are Completed!!! Sorta.

As some of you know, I took my three kids and a friend on a four week European Vacation. We spent a lot of time traveling (and getting lost) as well as spending time with my dad, stepmom, and little brother who live in Germany. My friend had to go back early and my oldest son could only stay three weeks due to work. I was also able to meet and spend time with some of the best people on this board!!!

I still have more than half of my photos that did not fit in my Yahoo briefcase and I have had to temporarily remove my directory of personal photos. I will soon create another Yahoo account for the rest, including personal, hiking, Alaska, Grand Canyon, Washington D.C., and yes, WeirdDave - Baltimore! :smiley:

Anyhow, I just thought I would share them with you all. You can see the Dopers in my Amsterdam File, although I took too few pictures and the best one turned out blurry thanks to a certain guy with beer induced unsteady hands (trust men to do the important jobs :rolleyes:.) Due to a request, I have removed a picture of the lip conjoined twins. All I can tell you is that it was adorable.

You can also find some photos of London_Calling in the London File and see for yourself just how cute he is.

I have looked over the photos so many times that I am sure that I have missed something. Please feel free to let me know if I have labelled something wrong or misspelled it.

Shitgirl, tater, or TechChick - You have permission to use any photos you want to update the People Pages or Dopefest pictures.

Enjoy - http://briefcase.yahoo.com/itsstormie.

I got an error when I tried to bring up that link.

Well ferhellsakes, it would work if I did this right.


If you click “SHOW ALL” and “THUMNAIL” you won’t have to click through them all one at a time.


Need sleep. . . .

I had to enter my Yahoo ID password to get to it. Just a heads up in case it wants that from everybody