With the exception of those that acutally live in Vegas, I think I’m the first one to return.
A big thank you to Bristlesage for picking me up from the airport! Thank you Diane, Zette, Strainger, and Thinks for letting me change in their room before the wedding.
Yay for weddings! Yay for weddings for good friends! Yay for weddings that aren’t for me ;). Congratulations again, Mr C & MissC. I wish you a life time of happiness
Eddy - I’m sorry you didn’t make it
Zette - it was great finally meeting you - you’re boobalicious
Psy - I didn’t tell you this tonight, but you are looking great! That was the first thought that ran through my head when I initially saw you and Demo. Demo, you didn’t look unwell
Next time, I’m taking you up on that piggy-back ride offer, Thinks, my feet are killing me.
Thank you, Zyada for my kitty stamp. It’s displayed on my desk now. Once I get my ass in gear and get a stamp pad, that will become my “signature” when I send out stuff snail mail.
Java, Bryan - you guys have to come out to Phoenix. I’m sorry we didn’t get a chance to visit this time around.
Pat, Woody - Damnit, you showed up too late. Grrr. I didn’t get a chance to sit with you and exercise my cattiness.
Nymmy, you’re looking fabulous as always. Do what you have to do for yourself and the rest will come. LA misses you as much you miss it.
Doob, the dieting/working out: Good job. You look so damn good.
Last, but never least - Thank you, thank you thank you to my Fairy Godfather/Travel God. I know I’ve probably driven you nuts thanking you so much, but I am so grateful. I am in your debt.
It was great seeing everyone again, or meeting for the first time. If I’ve neglected to mention you by name, I’m sorry - it’s late and I’m exhausted!
Mr Clean! Mr Clean! Damn you, thinks, I’ve got that in my head now.