Vegas - The Aftermath!

With the exception of those that acutally live in Vegas, I think I’m the first one to return.

A big thank you to Bristlesage for picking me up from the airport! Thank you Diane, Zette, Strainger, and Thinks for letting me change in their room before the wedding.

Yay for weddings! Yay for weddings for good friends! Yay for weddings that aren’t for me ;). Congratulations again, Mr C & MissC. I wish you a life time of happiness :slight_smile:

Eddy - I’m sorry you didn’t make it :frowning:

Zette - it was great finally meeting you - you’re boobalicious :slight_smile:

Psy - I didn’t tell you this tonight, but you are looking great! That was the first thought that ran through my head when I initially saw you and Demo. Demo, you didn’t look unwell :stuck_out_tongue:

Next time, I’m taking you up on that piggy-back ride offer, Thinks, my feet are killing me.

Thank you, Zyada for my kitty stamp. It’s displayed on my desk now. Once I get my ass in gear and get a stamp pad, that will become my “signature” when I send out stuff snail mail.

Java, Bryan - you guys have to come out to Phoenix. I’m sorry we didn’t get a chance to visit this time around.

Pat, Woody - Damnit, you showed up too late. Grrr. I didn’t get a chance to sit with you and exercise my cattiness.

Nymmy, you’re looking fabulous as always. Do what you have to do for yourself and the rest will come. LA misses you as much you miss it.

Doob, the dieting/working out: Good job. You look so damn good.

Last, but never least - Thank you, thank you thank you to my Fairy Godfather/Travel God. I know I’ve probably driven you nuts thanking you so much, but I am so grateful. I am in your debt.

It was great seeing everyone again, or meeting for the first time. If I’ve neglected to mention you by name, I’m sorry - it’s late and I’m exhausted!

Mr Clean! Mr Clean! Damn you, thinks, I’ve got that in my head now.

Yay! You made your flight!

That’s all for now. More aftermath later.

Yep, flight was made without any hassles. I was even a tad early.

Thank you again for picking me up.

OK, I’m generally the reserved, quiet type, and I never though I could be so relaxed around a crowd of noisy people I’d never met before, but the Dopefest was fun.

Bellydancing with Zyada was fun. Invading Shark Reef with bristlesage, lel, manhattan and kirstin was fun. I think we scared the sharks.

Throwing capers after dinner was fun, but nobody else joined me in that.

Actually, the whole thing was intensely fun.

Except paying $5.75 for a lousy ameretto and Coke. That wasn’t fun.

But everything else was fun.

Oh, and am I the only person on the SDMB who actually knows how to ululate?

And does thinksnow have just the sexiest legs?

And congrats to Mr. and Mrs. Creant. May you have a long, happy life together.

C’mon people - I know you some of you are back home already. Fill me in on Friday night happenings, how dinner turned out Saturday, what did you all do today?

My curiousity must be sated!

We made it back safe, although the traffic going back into L.A. got pretty hairy a few times.

After dinner Saturday night, we headed to Terrible’s, the casino across the street. We drank and caroused, as typical. C’mon–dollar pina coladas? I certainly was a happy girl.

I’m glad to have had a chance to see some of my favorite people again, and meet some new ones.

Now, you’ll have to excuse me–I’ve got to sleep some of this pollution off. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just walked in the door. Still alive. Barely.

Seriously. BARELY.

More tomorrow.

Ditto **Nym[/]. I’m beat, but it’s a happy beat. You could dance to it.

More later.

Dear Nymmy,

We’re sorry we snuck out in the middle of the night, but there’s nothing else we can say to one another. We’ve tried, but we can try no more. It’s not that it wasn’t good while it lasted, but you’re just too abusive. But hey, kid, wasn’t it good while it lasted through two packs of cowboy killers, a handful of Demo’s clove cigarettes and two cigars?

We don’t know where we’re going, but rest assured, we believe it to be better than here with you.


Your Lungs

I can still feel those cigars in my lungs. It was worth it, though. :slight_smile:

My clothes all smell like smoke.

I still have fond memories of the Anna Nicole and Barry White impersonators at Terrible’s Casino on Saturday night. My all-time favorite quote from them:

“I’ll rip your head off and shit down your throat” - Barry White impersonator at the end of a “Thriller” cover.

Dollar Pina Coladas and cheap Sam Adams light beer. Hooo Boy.

I got <b>Mercutio</b> addicted to the Bass Fishing video game at Gameworks. I also tried Dance Dance Revolution, and realized I am not a dancer.

The cocktail waitresses at Mandalay Bay had interesting…personalities.

I loved having 2 3-liter bottles of wine at Buca de Beppos. Thanks to bristlesage for choosing the place!

I’ll think of more things later…

Just wanted to say sorry I missed everyone Saturday, some family stuff came up that I don’t want to go into too much detail about here. Suffice it to say, traveling with small children can be a challenge. I’ve heard all about what I missed though, and wish I could have made it. At least Mr. Cynical wasn’t expecting me to be in the wedding :wink:

I did make it to the Mandalay Bay on Friday night though, and met a bunch of people, and also took the tram and walkways over to NY/NY for a bit:

Miss Creant and Mr. Cynical (or should I say Mr. Creant): you are a really great couple, I congratulate you on your marriage and sticking around for most of the debauchery afterwards.

Zette and Diane: It felt great escorting two beautiful, glamorously dressed ladies on the tram from Mandalay Bay to Excalibur!

Bristlesage: you deserve a bouquet of bristlesage for picking so many people up and acting as our tour guide to the strange world of Vegas. You’re really neat :wink: Also sweet :slight_smile:

PsyCat: love those glasses, you remind me of Tina Fey.

I’ll also send hellos out to (hope I remember all the nicks) Pricciar and WoodstockBirdyBird, Demo, Doobieous, Manhattan and Kirstin, ThinkSnow, and Sassy. Hope to see you all at the next VegasDope.

Bristlesage and Diane - thanks for setting this all up.
Sorry I couldn’t stay longer on Friday, but SO was not feeling well and I was surprised to get him out of the house at all that night.

Hope next time around I can do more!

So - did anybody win any money?

Before I make my gargantuan post, as well as link to the gallery that’s already online, I’d like to thank the gaming commision of Las Vegas, for allowing us to have a ride home from the airport in a limousine instead of a cab.

God bless you, kind sirs.

There’s already a gallery online? Cool.

You guys and gals were wonderful. The wedding was beautiful, if a little God-oriented, but still very nice.

Undying gratitude to Diane for getting the whole thing started and bringing all these Dopers to my fair city. Let’s make it tradition…with a wedding every year! Woo!

Anyway, Friday night drinks was a good time, even though I had to spend half an hour away just to get a cup of soup. The Mandalay Bay seriously needs a snack place. Still, we made it through the bad lounge act, and our ears didn’t even bleed that much. Thanks to everyone who bought me a drink–that was very kind of you. And thanks to Miss Creant and Mr. Cynical for the Elvis cow. She’s hanging out on the computer as I write this, and everyone at work is incredibly jealous. Nyah nyah.

Had a great time on Saturday at the aquarium with those of you that made it (as mentioned in Thea’s post above). Glad we could provide you with a little steam, East Coasters, and that all of us got to enjoy the horseshoe crab sex. Aww yeeeah.

Wedding, great, as mentioned above. I was just proud no one objected. But then I realized we were never even asked. Did the bride and groom ask him to leave that part out because they knew smart-alec Dopers wouldn’t be able to resist the temptation?

Dinner went well, and thanks to everyone who showed up. I got a note from their director of special events saying they’d be glad to have us back anytime. So, check that out! We’re like grown-ups and stuff.

Terrible’s wasn’t. Except for the lounge act, which was, but it’s Vegas. Anna Nicole and Barry White, indeed. But the alcohol, and apparently in Nymysys’s case, the tobacco, really helped out on that front. My throat is still a little hoarse, though. Yelling over two versions of “Proud Mary” will do that to a person.

Thanks to thinksnow and manhattan for attempting to teach my craps. I think I’ve almost got it. Thanks to kore and Stiletto for keeping me on my toes on the cow front. To the room at the New York New York where you guys allowed Mauvaise to change so that I didn’t have to take her all the way to my place or just have her change in a public restroom.

Really, thanks so much to all of you for coming all this way and putting up with my ass all weekend. You’re great. You’ve motivated me to attempt to make it to New York.

But for the next time, I’m just going to a Dopefest in L.A. It would actually be less driving. Stupid living so far from the middle of town.

Home- safe- exhausted. Had more fun then should be (or probably is) legal. Loved every minute except the goodbyes. If I wasn’t so fucking dehydrated I would have just sat on the curb and cried after saying goodbye to Di. That was too many goodbyes in too short a time.

More later!

LOL. Bastards. :slight_smile:

Congratulations to Mr. Cynical and Miss Creant. (Mr. and Mrs. Creant-Cynical?) Mr. Cyn, you tease, where’s the linkety-link?

Hope everyone had a blast; I’m sorry I missed it.

Hey all. Home safe, mostly sound, and as sane as I get. Had an absolute blast meeting you all! :slight_smile:

Drinks on Friday night was fun. Sorry DMark and his SO couldn’t stay and/ or join us for the rest of it. Glad you could at least come out and visit for a while. Other than that, it was lots of fun, once we all figured out who/ where everybody was.

The wedding was very nice, and dinner was delicious. Thanks, bristlesage, for setting that up, and all the other things you did to help get this organized. You were great. :smiley:

Mauvaise…all I can say is, nice meeting you, and you do look great in your corset. :smiley: Sorry you had to take off so soon. As for the rest of you that chose not to join us at Terrible’s…hey, you missed a really good time. Hope everybody made it home safe, and had fun. I certainly enjoyed hanging out with all of you.

As for Terrible’s, no, it really wasn’t. Except for that lounge act. Ack! But hey, we had a blast, drank and smoked waaaaay too much, and generally had lots of fun carousing. My only regret from that night is that, because of the timing on taxis, I didn’t actually get to say goodbye to Diane, bristlesage, Strainger, Zette and Thinksnow. Sorry to miss that, and it was great meeting and hanging out with all of you.

Also didn’t get to say goodbye to Miss Creant…congratulations to you and Mr. Cyn. I hope you enjoyed the trip, and I wish you luck in the future. I’m glad we were able to be there.

Hope to see you all at the next Dopefest I manage to get to!


Cross post to LJ.

First off, thanks Dmark and bristlesage for all the work! Thanks!!! I am VERY MUCH ready to do this every year, but count me out as a wedding candidate, thankyouverymuch.

  1. I truly feel sad for those unfortunate people who are not Dopers, but hey, not everyone can be fawkin awesome now, can they?

  2. My battery powered mermaid toothbrush is very happy to be home. She is totally exhausted.

  3. Zette and I are two ruthlessly catty bitches. You don’t even want to know how evil we are.

  4. We also had the best view on the Strip all weekend - walking behind Thinksnow and JayTee checking out the view baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaby. Not that we would be sexually harassing or anything, mind you. Nope, not us :::wink wink:::.

  5. Eric and Jeff look so sweet when they spoon.

  6. Manny is the Doper dad.

  7. The wedding was wonderful, Terribles was terrible, and we could have fed an entire Mormon family on the leftover food from the restaurant.

  8. Doob and I have the same taste in men.

  9. Goddamn maid didn’t know how to make a bed half the time. But when you’re in Vegas, I guess you take yer chances on who is going to get short sheeted ;).

  10. I would like to thank Eric for not making us sleep in the wet spot.

  11. Zette and I tried to hook Jeff up Saturday night but after being with us all weekend we ruined him for all other women. I’m not sure if that is in a good way or a bad way.

  12. dalovindj brought out the horny old lady Mrs. Robinson monster in me. Holy cow! I should be ashamed of myself.

  13. Zette and I got totally shitfaced on Freemont Street drinking free piss warm beer and wearing our growing number of Mardi Gras beads. We also hooked up with two party animal, bead wearing, warm beer drinking old ladies (I swear to God they had to have been 70 years old). Most impressively, they not only danced to the disco music light show, the KNEW ALL THE WORDS! They were Zette and me in 40 years.


  15. Beatle likes to dance.

  16. It was great seeing people again and meeting new! You all rawk!

  17. The hallway in the NY, NY smelled like poop and stale cigarette smoke.

  18. Elevator rides were entertaining. “Mmme firthst, me firthst”.

  19. I sat my purse in the sink and the automatic water turned on and filled it up. Wadda a joy that was. I wasn’t even drunk.

  20. Margarittas By The Yard are yummy. Terribles drinks were alcohol-free. Freemont Street free booze is plentiful and warm.

  21. Jeff and Zette ditched me at the Shark Reef.

  22. Eric gave us big hugs, said his goodbyes, got his suitcase, casually walked out of our hotel room, then we heard footsteps hauling major ass down the hallway along with his screams.

  23. Jeff gave us big hugs, said his goodbyes, got his suitcase, casually walked out of our hotel room, then we heard footsteps hauling major ass down the hallway along with his screams.

  24. Oh, then after the two of them left, Zette and I had a nekkid pillow fight and accidentally kissed.

  25. Then later we decided that it would be really fun to slide our bed next to Eric and Jeff’s bed and have an orgy Sunday night but then we remember than the two of them had already headed for home. Bummer.

  26. I wanna party with Eric’s parents.

  27. Ummmm what else.

  28. Zette’s. Black. Dress. YOUSA!

  29. Lovely wedding.

  30. Nancy is AMAZING!

  31. Impossible as it seems, it was 10000 times funner than I ever expected. You guys ready to do it again?

  32. Zette is a fawking psycho - just as I imagined. You know how you just click with people sometimes and feel like you have been friends forever? We clicked.

  33. JustPlainBryan is adorable!!! I can’t wait to see the picture I took of him wearing lipstick kiss marks all over his face. Together with Java, they are a darling couple!

  34. No hotel toilets were clogged, at least in our room.

  35. A lot of Doper guys are really tall! All Doper men have great asses.

  36. The Freemont Street light show is equivalent to tripping on acid. No exaggeration.

  37. So, is everyone home safely?

  38. Jeff has a hollow leg when it comes to buffets. Holy cow I was impressed with the amount he can put away.

  39. My smile is purdier than Manny’s, at least that is what the bartender said when he comped me the free round of drinks at Treasure Island.

  40. I originally typed “Temptation Island” instead of “Treasure Island” on #8. Always the reality TV girl, I am.

  41. Bouncy moving walkways are funner than the stiff ones. Not to say that things that are stiff are bad.

  42. It was great to meet another Utah Doper - goonhead! Nice guy!

  43. Kore has an awesome henna tat. Stilleto is a babe.

  44. I wish I could have had more time to talk to you all.
    More as I remember. . .

I got my nuts fondled by more than 20 people - what more could a guy ask for? I know my nuts may not taste as good as Thinksnow’s balls, but we make do with what we’ve got.

Great time all around. Everyone was telling me to hook up a live journal account and it looks like you need a code from an established member. Anyone care to e-mail me a code so I can share my daily triumphs and shame in the new home of the clique?

Oh, and seriously, what were you guys laughing about?

DaLovin’ Dj

I had a blast meeting new people and getting to know other Dopers better. I especially enjoyed wandering around the Strip with Diane, Zette, and thinksnow Saturday and Sunday. As always, there were other people who I wished I’d gotten to talk to more and the weekend was too damn short.

I posted the following in my LiveJournal, but I figured I’d share it with those Dopers who don’t have LJ accounts.

You know what would’ve been great during Mr. C and Miss C’s wedding? If we all broke out into a production of Hosanna from Jesus Christ Superstar during the ceremony. That would’ve rocked! We could’ve pulled it off with very few changes to the original lyrics. Check it out:

Hosanna Heysanna Sanna Sanna Ho
Sanna Hey Sanna Ho Sanna
Mr. C., Miss C. have a beer with me?
Sanna Ho Sanna Hey Superstars!

Reverend Combover
Tell these Dopers to be quiet; we anticipate a riot
This drunken crowd is much too loud
Tell the schmucks who sing your song
That they are fools
and they are wrong
They are a curse, they should disperse

Hosanna Heysanna Sanna Sanna Ho
Sanna Hey Sanna Ho Sanna
Mr. C, Miss C. you’re alright by me
Sanna Ho Sanna Hey Superstars!

Mr. Cynical
Why waste your breath bitching at the crowd?
Nothing can be done to stop the shouting
If every tongue was still the noise would still continue
The mugs and steins themselves would start to sing:

Hosanna Heysanna Sanna Sanna Ho
Sanna Hey Sanna Ho Sanna
Mr. C, Mr. C. won’t you teabag me
Sanna Ho Sanna Hey Doperstars!