taboo subject

Simply put, is masturbation wrong? I realize there is nothing wrong physically, but how about morally?

Some people think yes, it is morally wrong.

Most people, though, think it’s okay. Fun, too!

It doesn’t really matter what other people think about this issue, though. If you feel guilty about doing it, don’t do it. If you think it’s morally wrong, don’t do it.

If it makes you feel any better, it won’t make you go blind or give you hairy palms.

other peoples guilty conciousness and other peoples “issues” need not become yours basis for moral right or wrong. Look in yourself and decide.

just look how uptight all those people who don’t do it are?


Whacking off is wrong? It’s wrong to pleasure yourself? From my point of view, that’s like saying it’s wrong to scratch yourself when you’ve got an itch.

As someone once said, 96% of men masturbate, and the other 4% are liars.

Let’s see. It relieves sexual tension which could otherwise be directed toward less innocuous pursuits. For lovers, it can be a way to experience sexual pleasure without the consequences of normal intercourse. It’s necessary for a guy – he has to discharge semen periodically, so if he doesn’t jack off he’ll end with wet dreams, which can be messy. It’s fun. It feels good. It doesn’t harm a soul.

I say masturbation is a commendable virtue.

  • JB

So if 96% of men masturbate and the other 4% are liars, then what are the percentages for women? I would bet that if all women were really honest, they’d have to admit that they also do it, although probably not as often.

Robert Heinlein wrote:

“Masturbation is cheap, clean, convenient, and free of any possibility of wrongdoing [bolding mine] – and you don’t have to go home in the cold. But it’s lonely

-and there’s no SO to complain of headaches…

Masturbation (alone, not mutual masturbation) is a solitary pursuit. When it comes right down to it, what other people think doesn’t matter. They’re not the ones masturbating you, you are. If you want to, you should. If you don’t, you shouldn’t. Really simple.

People can argue every which way about the rights and wrongs of masturbation. The people saying it’s good usually use psychology and science as backups, the people saying it’s wrong usually use religion. It’s up to you and what you believe.

Personally, I think masturbating is great. Don’t feel like going out? Fine, stay at home and have some fun. She just wants to cuddle? Masturbating helps prevent blue balls (not fun). Feel like acheiving orgasmic pleasure? The solution is in your hands.

The religious taboos are important, too. If you believe in your religion, and your religion says it’s wrong, you’re probably better off not doing it. You’ll just end up feelign shame and guilt. Not a good thing.

Decide for yourself what you truly believe, and go at it with all your heart. And if you ever need the addresses of a few good porn sites, don’t hesitate to call.

Catholic doctrine as todl to me by my “Marriage and the Family” class (no lie - Catholic school version of sex ed):

Masturbation * per se * is not immoral. However, habitual masturbation is. The difference, I recall, is that habitual masturbation drives one away from the purpose of human sexuality, that is, procreation in the context of a married relationship. Same thing with oral sex - it’s OK, but not if you do it (again in a married relationship) in preference to intercourse.

Not that I buy this, or religion anymore, but man I’d be pissed if this was the reason I don’t get into heaven. ;j

V. (Not Jewish, but damn, I love that Smiley)

(womans view here…) to answer the question, i dont think its wrong at all…but i also dont have a religion looking over my shoulder! i think its great!!! when im feeling really sexual, i enjoy myself several times a day! then sometimes ill go several weeks doing nothing at all. when im feeling depressed, it helps me feel better! my one and only (ever) sex partner is actually the one who got me interested in it…and hes right-ive learned sooooo much about what i like and dont like and that makes me a better lover. anyway, ill shut up now LOL

94% of all women masturbate. The other 6% are liars.

(Hardly being serious with THIS one…)

In a scene done in my acting class, one of the character’s says that girls masturbate five times as much as boys.

If it’s said on stage… it MUST be true!

Hey, if I could have multiple orgasms without getting tired, I’d never leave the house.

You and all other guys. It’s essential to the survival of the human race that guys need recoup time.

‘Hey, don’t knock masterbation! It’s sex with someone I love’. Woody Allen in ‘Annie Hall’

If masterbation is a sin, I’m gonna have a lot to answer for in the afterlife.

‘As someone once said, 96% of men masturbate, and the other 4% are liars.’

You know, I don’t agree with you on this matt. You don’t account for those men who don’t know how to do it, those who cannot do it & those who won’t do it. Thus, your statistics are quite unreasonable.

As long as it doesn’t hurt anyone that doesn’t want to be hurt and you do it in moderation, there aint nothin’ wrong with it.

Some people might say that it is bad because there is no emotional connection. Yeah, but who cares?

My only worry is ending up with a totally lop-sided physique! I gotta start working out with my left arm!

In the Victorian era, the whole idea that sex in and of itself was a sin seemed to take root. Why? I don’t know. A lot of things become “fashionable” for no apparent reason. They used to use the Biblical passage about Onan to reinforce the idea that “spilling your seed” (having sex without intent to produce a child) was sinful.

They even got the medical experts of the day to back up their position. If you masturbated (so they said) you would grow hair on your palms, you would go insane, it would curve your spine, and all sorts of terrible things would happen to you. You might even go sterile. Some asserted that you only had “X” number of ejaculations in your lifetime, and you might just use them all up before you were married.

Ejaculations “drained off vital fluids” necessary for a healthy, vigorous life. Hey, the stuff MUST be powerful – it makes babies, don’t it? Therefore any time some of this stuff leaks out, it MUST have cost your body some great effort – effort that can’t then be used to lift heavy objects, run faster, and jump higher. Thus, the traditional (though seldom observed) proscription against sex the night before the big game.

“Scholarly” advice to newlyweds advised the wife to avoid sexual relations with her husband except when she was trying to concieve. She should not dress or act or in any way to encourage sexual interest from her husband (no wonder so many women in those old portraits have such a wistful expression). Sex was a dirty, nasty business. The fact that it feels good probably seemed proof that it was of the devil (no wonder Mark Twain was such a cynic). Having too much sex was likened to having too much alcohol (and we all know the Victorians invented the temperance movement, too, don’t we?). Allowing the husband (or the wife, for that matter) more than the minumum amount of sexual contact would turn the husband into a sex-crazed brute and send him strait to hell (as if living under such abstinent conditions whilst married was not akin to it already).

As far as the Onan story goes, if you recall the rules for inheritance used by the Israelites at that time, you will discover that if a married man died before he had children, one of his brothers was required to impregnate his widow, to provide an heir for the dead brother. Onan’s crime, in spilling his seed, was attempting to ensure that his brother had no heir, and to ensure his prother’s portion of his (Onan’s) father’s estate would go to himself. Greed killed Onan, not seed (spilled or otherwise).

“Masturbation = sin” is a cultural anomaly. Excessive devotion to that one pursuit isn’t necessarily a good thing, but there’s a lot of room between “fun” and “obsession”.[/Opinion]
