Tailgating Cops

I Pit cops who ride my ass in an attempt, I guess, to get me to speed. You’ve got lights and a siren and a get out of jail free card. Pass me if you want, but get off my ass, douche-fucking-bag!

Let me guess. You’re going the speed limit in the left lane? If so, get over.

why are you being noncooperative?

Must have something to hide. :smiley:

My dad almost had a cop hit him that way a few years ago. He had a cop right behind him hit his lights and siren. My dad, not knowing how close he was hit his brakes to pull over (or possibly slow down if this happened before the lights/siren came on). When he got pulled over the cop said “Ya know, I almost rear ended you when you slammed on your brakes” and my dad said “Well, don’t drive so close”. IIRC the cop said something like ‘fair enough’ (not all cops are jerks).

I did the somewhat opposite and got yelled at. I was leading a long line of cars. We were all speeding and passed a cop on the side of the road. I saw him and saw his lights go on and took my foot off the gas (but did not slam on the brakes to get down to the speed limit). It took him a while to catch up to me (by this time I was doing the speed limit but I didn’t slow down more than that). He got all pissy about me not slowing down to wait for him or something. Asked me if I hadn’t seen him and his lights. I said I had but wasn’t about to slam on the brakes with a line of cars behind me. I was very polite. He gave me a warning after lecturing me on speeding through ‘neighborhoods’ (11:30 at night, maybe five businesses and not a single residence on that road for at least 10 miles :rolleyes:)

Try this in Portland, Oregon, sometime. You will hit someone, either a pedestrian or a bicyclist. Just don’t worry about slowing down at marked crosswalks or lighted areas. People in Portland prefer to cross the street in the middle of the street, at night, wearing dark clothing, not carrying a flashlight or something reflective, and not looking for traffic. If you hit someone make sure they don’t survive because if they do it will be your fault and you will lose the law suit.


Think of it as evolution in action. The fewer Oregonians that survive, the better off the human race is.

Harsh words from someone who has the anagram ‘Nil Is Us’:wink:

I’ve heard at least two anecdotes (so, admittedly, that still isn’t exactly data) of people who were being tailgated on dark roads at night and sped up to get away from the apparent road-raging maniac, only to get lit up by the tailgating cop.

That’s what I usually see. Or going LESS than the speed limit. Self-entitled dicks who think they can drive any goddamned speed they want in the left lane because they’re “obeying the law” by going less than the speed limit.

Otherwise, fuck 'em. If you’re driving the speed limit in the right lane or on a single lane road, just keep going the same speed and ignore them. Cruise control is a magical tool for doing just this. Set the cruise at the speed limit or just below (if you’re in the right lane), sit back and worry about the road in front of you rather than the person (cop or not) behind you.

When I see some prick in the left lane, holding up traffic, I always wonder how many husbands are behind them trying to get their wife to the hospital before the baby comes, or whatever legitimate reason to get somewhere ASAP.

Anyone who’s dumb enough to stay in front of a cop and bitch about being tailgated needs to ride a bicycle for a while. Get the hell over and let the cop get on with his duties.

Well, in this state it is illegal to park your ass in the left lane impeding the flow of traffic. In quite a number of states, you can get ticketted just for driving in the left lane unless you’re passing someone.

So it’s not about blocking babies or rolling your eyes at people who you think just want to drive faster (and so what if they do? Not your job to block them, asshole), it’s about THE LAW.


goddammit i wish this board would disable that fucking all caps restriction because it’s really fucking annoying to type something and have it changed to all lowercase

Wrong-o Picker. Stop guessing, it’s making you wrong.

Who said anything about any fucking lane? It was in the country, and officer nose-in-your-ass easily could have passed me.

Who said anything about any fucking lane??


(who said anything about…ahhh, nevermind.)

Four posts in a row? Dude. Must’ve struck a nerve.

Here’s a hint: If it had nothing to do with what you said, chill out and don’t respond. But given that your OP was a little short on specifics, it does tend to open it to speculation.

I support this rant. Tailgating cops drive me crazy, too - no, I can’t go faster than the speed limit, and you damned well know it. You want to go faster, be my guest - go around me. I’m usually in the right lane anyway.

Then there’s the whole “making a complete stop for a right turn at a red light or for a stop sign” - I fully expect to get rear-ended some day by doing this, but cops are happy to write out tickets for a rolling stop. You just can’t win.