Take a guess at when you will end up being vaccinated

It’s linked to State stuff. So not as helpful as @HughGoply 's link to Hyvee since Iowa itself still doesn’t have a State website/plan/Kovid Kim idea.

As part of a general employee survey on how they can make remote work easier for everyone, my workplace has decided to ask us whether we would like to have vaccinations available at the office. Umm, yes please! I don’t know how they would pull this off, but my industry is considered essential in my state (legal services), and I imagine at least some of us fall in other priority categories based on age or other risk factors. If they can make it happen, I will absolutely take them up on it, but we shall see.

(It would literally be the first time I have been to my workplace. Ever. I started a new job remotely in September.)

BTW a childhood friend of mine now lives in Durham and is an alum of that same weight loss center. She is pissed, because in spite of being local and having multiple autoimmune disorders, she is not yet eligible for a vaccine based on standard local criteria. How the hell does the weight loss center get to decide who is worthy?

Well, I’ve had shot 1, but I think the county has shafted me on #2. A friend and I registered on the same day, and got our “you can schedule an appointment” emails about 48 hours apart. She got her “here’s your #2 appointment” email 2+ days ago. I have not gotten such an emaill - in fact, I got one the other day saying “Woohoo, we’ve gone over to the state-run website; if you got this email you don’t need to do anything else”.

I checked my status on the state site - which just confirmed that I had indeed signed up. Nothing about #1 having already been received.

I actually want to defend Virginia. They switched all sign ups to a single site which apparently is causing some glitches but they are letting people sign up online or by phone and according to my patients will give you your number in line. While there is a wait, once you have an appointment it has been efficient. There is no scrambling to check multiple sites every day and no waiting in hours long lines. You get on the waitlist, they notify you when your number comes up and you are able to schedule your appointment. Everyone I know scheduled their second appointment when they were there for the first. Sure it could be much better, but compared to what I hear about in other states, it’s relatively good.

Hyvee added Davenport dates:

These appear to br Pfizer shots, if you care.

One Davenport store already filled.

Massachusetts just opened up tier #2 which includes 65 and up. My husband and my daughter-in-law (who has “co-morbidities”) already have appointments in the next week. My daughter (who works with children in a health-related capacity) has already had her first shot and is almost due for her second. Back in California, my 94 year old dad has already had both shots.

I’m in tier #3 “General Public” so my guess is barring a big influx of available vaccine or a new giant glitch, my first will be end of April at the earliest. MA has a helpful “how many people are ahead of you” interactive site which shows me there are approximately 3 million people ahead of me.

oooh, do you have a link? I haven’t seen that one. I wonder if after 65 and up it’ll be just anyone. As much as I hate that it would make it delayed for me, I think they should go 60+, 55+, 50+, etc. And teachers next with the next openings. I know comorbidities are more vulnerable but doing it by age at least in theory keeps people from gaming the system… more than they already have.

Teachers should not be a priority group. They are in no particular danger in comparison to other jobs. Just because their unions and parents are being unreasonable is no reason to move them to the front of the line.

Some just opened in Iowa City at Hyvee link above.

I’m in CT and age 71. My wife is 68 be both got our first vaccines last Friday and Saturday, respectively, She got Pfizer with a 3 week wait and I got Moderna with a 4 week wait, so she gets her second does a week from Saturday. I get my second two weeks from Friday.

This is the Boston Globe, which I began a subscription to solely follow Covid news.
It might be behind a paywall.


edit: I’m sorry, I just realized I don’t know what post your question was directed to.

I assume I’m in the same spot (also MA here tier 3). The problem though is there are millions of people in tier three. And no “line”. I think MA will have to break tier three into groups simply to keep things sane.

Signed up for NYS email updates and found this in my inbox:

  1. There are still hundreds of appointments available at the Medgar Evers College and York College vaccination centers for eligible New Yorkers. Both these sites, established in partnership with FEMA, open Wednesday and will vaccinate 3,000 New Yorkers a day, seven days a week. For the Medgar Evers College vaccination center, eligible New Yorkers who live in the following ZIP codes can book an appointment today: 11207, 11212, 11208, 11206, 11233, 11213, 11221, 11226, 11236, 11225, 11210, 11203, 11238. For the York College vaccination center, eligible residents in these ZIP codes can book today: 11436, 11434, 11433, 11419, 11413, 11412, 11422, 11429, 11420, 11411, 11418, 11435, 11428, 11423, 11432, 11427, 11439, 11691, 11692, 11693. Next week, scheduling opens to any eligible resident of Queens or Brooklyn. If you’re eligible, schedule your appointment HERE or by calling 1-833-967-4829.

Which does me no good whatsoever; but maybe there’s somebody here who it does; although those may all be gone by now as well.

Looks like lots in Cedar Rapids right now for the rest of the week.

Maybe in a state with an enforced priority scheme, I would agree with you. But in a state like mine, that, following federal guidelines, makes self-evaluated “heart conditions” (controlled hypertension?), “smoking” (occasional cigar? Second-hand?) and non-morbid obesity 1a qualifications, I find it pointless to think the teachers are less reasonable than a large portion of those now getting the vaccine. And getting children an in-person education is extremely important, regardless of who is at fault. So I’d put Pennsylvania teachers in front of people who spend hours on the internet to get an appointment.

P.S. This isn’t to criticize those following the expansive PA rules.

All “lifestyle” conditions should be excluded.

Friends in my cohort (the over-mumble group) have started getting notifications to go get vaccinated, so odds are good I’ll get mine within, say, a month. That’d be sooner than I originally expected.

The UK are still focusing on getting everyone their first shots; at the moment about a quarter of the population have had their first one but only a tiny percentage have had the follow-up.