I’m a freakin’ liberal. Shocker.
It’s a weird way of looking at things. I’m strongly pro-environment (it’s a non-renewable resource), pro-immigration (my grandparents immigrated here), and opposed to the government legislating morality (unless it’s willing to start by going after Republican congressmen).
I’m an Upbeat, largely, it would appear, by default.
I’m Disaffected. At least, that’s what they tell me.
After reading the descriptions of “disaffecteds,” I realize that the only description that fits is my mistrust of gevernment. Pretty bugus questionnaire.
I’ve never heard of this before, in any context. Does anybody know if this is a real movement, or just something made up on the referenced website?
What does it mean, “Commie Pinko Fag”?
I’m confused… that’s more or less exactly Pew’s definition of “Liberal.” Are you just objecting to the specific term used?
FTR, I’m a Liberal as well, and the description fits me embarrassingly well (embarrassing in that I’m surprised that I fit that well into a specific archetype).
Liberal here. White, highly educated, secular. <looks at self> yep. I wouldn’t say I’m highly ecudated, though-I am just now working on my master’s.
And I am not so pro-immigration, at least not the way it is practiced now.
Disaffected. Meh.
Hmm, they got me as “Upbeat” as well (never heard the term before), which seems to describe what we used to call a yuppie, of which I’m decidedly not. And I pretty much blew their voting predictions for Upbeats, including my voting for Kerry.
I like being unpredictable.
Liberal. Unsurprising.
What a bunch of utter horseshit! If I’m not given the choice to answer accurately about how I feel about something, how can it accurately evaluate my responses?
Disaffected. Feels the same way it felt when eHarmony rejected me.
No kidding. With a lot of the questions, neither statement really matched my opinions - particularly since a lot of them were basically just paraphrases of political slogans. “The government should do more to protect morality in society.” Actually, I think you could argue that that’s the basic function of government. Except that I had to answer no, because they’re using “morality” as a codeword for “outlawing gay marriage”.
Or this: “Stricter environmental laws and regulations cost too many jobs and hurt the economy” versus “Stricter environmental laws and regulations are worth the cost” - huh. No box for “Stricter environmental laws and regulations do not hurt the economy” or “Stricter environmental laws and regulations are necessary from an economic perspective, since they provide a mechanism for the free market to manage externalities; as a result, market-based approaches should be emphasized in most situations”.
“The government should do more to help needy Americans, even if it means going deeper into debt” versus “The government today can’t afford to do much more to help the needy” - nope, I don’t agree with either. How about, “Transfer payments amount to a small portion of the federal budget overall, and the idea that we have to chose between government debt and abandoning the concept of a social safety net is simply ridiculous and reflects an utter ignorance about actual government spending, and furthermore imagining that government work to fight poverty is confined to welfare payments shows a real short-sightedness about the potential for government intervention to be used both to improve individual people’s lot and in order to help the entire country over the long term”?
Jesus. The whole thing seemed to amount to asking whether I agreed with this slogan or that one. Or worse yet, whether I agree with a GOP slogan or a tortured attempt to create a converse, even though neither one actually reflects my views.
I’m an Enterpriser. But on a good number of the questions, I actually agreed with both ends. So I’m not so sure of the worth of the exercise.
Another Enterpriser. I was quite curious about how I’d score, because I’m quite conservative when it comes to the regulatry/economic stuff, and liberal on the social. When I take the 2-D test the Libertarians sponsor, I peg the scales as a libertarian.
Disaffected. I could have told them that.
Never took the test, but there isn’t any typology I really agree with in the latest categories. Oddly enough, I fit in well with one (or maybe two) of the ones in the previous typology (I think it was “centrist democrat” or something.)
Liberal, liberal, liberal. And proud of it.