Taking Over the Internet - Have you seen this website?

Pressing the ‘stop’ button on your browser (the white x inside a red circle, usually next to the refresh button) stops all the animations. Might make the website slightly easier to read. Pigs might also fly.


Step Eight: CRUCIAL
CONTACT OTHER SCHOOLS to begin their process. Communicate Regularly; Stay Connected to create the Power you will all need to Dominate the Matrix Illuminati with Immortal Legal Peaceful Intent. :confused:

The Matrix Illiminati? Immortal Legal Peaceful Intent?

Kids, this is why drugs, mental instability and the internet don’t mix.

I thought I was overdoing it when I wrote my fake crazy HAMPSTER MENACE site, but now I see that I set the bar way too low.

To be fair, the coherence in your last sentence clearly puts you at a very large disadvantage to Mr. Ray.

Now who wants to join my petition to the Mods to let his background be the new layout for the Boards? It’d be like feeding the hamsters acid, only without the good trips.

And at the risk of being rude, I am going to post again and applaud jjimm’s website there. I particularly like:

Trailer E, the newest vortex of psychic power in Sedona! And who said this town was full of wacko hippy types!

Your story sounds like it’s been told through by the voice of Manuel from Fawlty Towers. Mhwahahaha!