Alright, the usual disclaimers: not all Belgians, let alone Europeans, feel this way. I see from the article that the organisation appears to be partially Dutch, at least - I can only hang my head in shame. This is a minority position, in fact, it’s the first I heard of it that some eedjits are actually suggesting the Liberators came here to occupy us. Yadda yadda yadda.
I think most of you are familiar with both my opinion on the Liberators of WWII, and the current war in Iraq. It’s entirely possible to be against the latter while still honouring the first.
It’s also possible to discuss the current American army bases without being a complete jackass. For instance, it is pretty much a known fact that the US stores nuclear weapons on the Dutch air base Volkel. Part of the base is sealed off for any Dutch military personnel, and is heavily guarded by Americans. IIRC, it’s technically American soil. The secrecy both governments maintain about this is telling: I was unable to find a site that wasn’t linked to some sort of protest group. But here’s one that looks fairly documented.
Now, let me be perfectly clear about this: I do not like this one bit. In fact, I want that shit out of there. My country doesn’t own any nuclear weapons as a matter of choice: why should we store US nukes, when the reason for them (the Cold War) hasn’t been valid for 15 years? Get that shit of our soil, please.
Furthermore, it is possible to reasonably discuss whether the American bases still present in Europe are necessary today. If they only serve as overseas weapons vaults, I humbly submit that they might not be.
But that’s a far, FAR cry from suggesting the Liberators were in fact shipped over to occupy, or infiltrate, Europe. If that was the case, they sure did a lousy job, huh? I mean, it still says “Koninkrijk der Nederlanden” on my passport.
In short, these kids are idiot, and have automatically disqualified themselves from any rational discussion about the topics they seem to be so passionate about. Which is a shame, as some of those topics might actually be worth debating.