Tapioca goes back to the UK

For a week, second week in February, actually.

I haven’t been back in a year so what’s new? Anything exciting happening in the Oxford / London area that week?

Excelent! I’d be pleased to meet you for a drink round and about. New things? Don’t drive into London - you’ll get fined. And Mornington Crescent station has re-opened.

I’d better stick to the bus then. Maybe we can discuss button’s opening. Or then again maybe not.

I’d suggest ‘not’.

First of all, to arrange real-life Doper meets in which there could be any possibiity of “buttons opening” is frowned upon by the Mods. The most they approve of is a formal shaking of hands upon arrival and departure.

Secondly, in Sjevzio’s impressive 4 volume work The Grand Tournament Play of Mrs. Trellis 67-93 it was comprehensively shown that Button’s Opening must always fail to a Leicester Square rotary bifurcation in 5 moves at most, blonks notwithstanding.

Admittedly, we now know that in Sjevzio’s elegant 53 page proof of this point, everything after the second paragraph was fatally flawed by a typographical error (Kensal ‘Rise’ instead of ‘Green’), but the essential spirit of his analysis lives on and, I think, has much to offer the discerning player despite being manifestly wrong and of no use in practical gameplay whatsoever. Apparently ‘I meant Green’, with the word ‘Green’ heavily underlined, appears on Sjevzio’s gravestone to this day.

Actually if he was in London then we could play London Rules - which of course allow the adapted Buttons Opening.

So there. :stuck_out_tongue:

Let’s keep overt MC refs to the MC thread. Best way to cofuse “clueless yanks” as everyone seems to think I am. Clueless yes, yank no.

yeah sorry about that whole yank thing

hangs head in shame

Oh yeah - and if at any point you plan to be around Holburn/ Covent Garden, drop me an email - i’ll dive out of work and buy you a drink as an apology.

Belgo’s for lunch then - hic!

mmmm belgian beer…