Who was she? Looked a lot like Natalie Portman, but I couldn’t be sure. My Google-fu has failed me. Help!
Diane Kruger. I don’t see the slightest resemblance to Natalie Portman, FWIW.
I totally second the Natalie Portman resemblance.
German born Diane Kruger, Helen in the recent Troy, The spy against the Nazis in Inglorious Basterds, and in the National Treasure movies played the museum curator who falls in love with the Nicholas Cage character. She is a native German speaker, but speaks unaccented American English too.
I thought she was dating Joshua Jackson?
(I only know this thanks to the Fug Girls, who are obsessed with Joshua Jackson.)
When a star of a film accompanies the director of said film to an awards ceremony, is it necessarily a “date”?
I don’t think Kruger looks at all like Portman.
I think she accompanied Tarantino because she was in his nominated film.
She looks like Portman to me.
Put me solidly in the “doesn’t look a thing like her” camp.
She looks la little like her in some of the pictures but not in others - depends on her make up/hair
I’m gonna go with generally, no, Diane Kruger doesn’t look anything like Natalie Portman, but w/r/t to Oscar pics I can see a resemblance. And WTF is with that gown?
They look like the same person in the photos provided here.
Strange how people can see the same thing (or in this case, person) so differently.
Thanks, everybody. I remember her from the National Treasure movies, in which I agree she looked nothing like Natalie Portman. In the Oscar telecast, though, for the few seconds in which she was shown, I thought there was a definite resemblance.
I think she looks vaguely like a young Jennifer Jason Leigh.
As someone who still thinks both Portman and Jason Leigh are in the top 5 most beautiful girls in the world, I don’t think Kruger looks much like them.
I do however think Tarantino is looking more and more like wall-eyed Jack Elam!
Am I the only one who doesn’t think she looks much like Bridget von Hammersmark, either?
No, I’m not joking!