I wasn’t sure if this should go here or in GQ, or the Pit, but here goes . . . I was flipping through the channels this weekend and happened on The Discovery Channel’s Would You Believe It?, a show about odd historical happenstances. Well, I know flat-out two of them were lies, and I suspect a third one is, too.
• Jeremy Bentham, a scholar and writer who “had his body stuffed and preserved” 100-some years ago, and it is still on display. Ba-nanner oil! I have both read and seen on more reliable shows that the “body” is just a wax dummy in his clothes, with his actual mummy rattling about inside.
• Thomas Parr, who died at the age of 152 and is buried in Westminster Abbey. Balderdash! When I was in Westminster Abbey about ten years ago, I noticed his grave marker and asked a guard about it. He directed me up this ancient, dusty staircase to an ancient, dusty library atop the Abbey, where I was met by an ancient, dusty librarian. I asked her about Thomas Parr, and she said, “Bollocks! He was probably in his eighties; they really didn’t keep accurate records back then.”
• St. Bernadette of Lourdes. This show claimed her “miraculously preserved body” was displayed under glass. Well, what they showed appeared to be a highly unconvincing wax dummy that wouldn’t pass muster at Lord & Taylor’s, let alone Madame Tussaud’s. Anyone have the Straight Dope on Bernie?