At first read, this seems like the teacher did something bad.
Wow. 40 years. What did she do? Throw axes at the children? Show them how to make a bomb out of things found in the garage? Gym Class dodgeball using a pitching machine? Teach a class on ferret legging?
Nope, nope, nope and nope.
Her classroom computer had pop-ups that showed (are you sitting down?) naked people.
It isn’t like she didn’t try to stop it. From another article;
Because of the images this woman faces 40 years in jail? What the fuck is wrong with the USA? These kids aren’t scarred for life because of this. We’re talking about a 7th grade class. I’d place a bet 90% of the kids in this class have already seen such images. I’ll bet 0% of the children, after seeing the images, had a breakdown and went home crying. I’ll also bet none of the kids are having nightmares or will need therapy because of this.
What. The. Fuck?
Television in the states can show movies of people being blown up, burned, shot, stabbed, run over by cars, and beaten with clubs and fists. Of course, that’s all ok. But the minute you introduce a naked tit, you’ve got problems. (I remember seeing US televison show blur a dog penis once. Not an erect dog penis, just a run of the mill dog penis. A dog was getting trimmed and groomed and when it came time to shave around that area - the dirty, dirty area - they blurred it. Thank you for thinking of our children who would NEVER see such a thing walking down the streets of Anytown USA)
From this article we learn;
Ok. I’ll agree that the teacher visiting porn sites on a school computer is not a good thing to do. We can assume this was done out of classtime, but this still isn’t proper use of school property.
I’ll also agree that kids in school should constrain their porn browsing time as a home activity. I don’t know about schools in your area, but most I’ve seen have a firewall or blocking software to cut down on this sort of use.
Oh. Ooops.
If anything this should have been a school issue not a legal one. The school should have dismissed the teacher for using school property for porn viewing. Period.
I could understand some outrage if the teacher was showing the class porn sites as a “lesson”, but it sounds like her desk computer would spit out porn pop-ups. Hardly 40 years in prison worthy.
The United States has roots in Puritan fundamentals, but it is now 2007 and it’s time to grow up. Everyone has those dirty parts. Pretty much everyone has sex and gasp most enjoy it. Tits don’t kill people - people kill people.
The very sad part about this entire thing. I’d suspect if the woman walked up to a child in class and beat the child to death with a chair, the woman would be facing the same amount of jail time.