Ah. The Horrors of Alien Abduction that we visit upon our children.
You know, if you’re going to do something like that, do it with an unpopular teacher. Then the kids will cheer.
Seriously, I’m trying to imagine what my daughter’s reaction would be if aliens kidnapped her teacher. Probably something like, “Oh, man, it was freaking awesome!! They dragged her into the spaceship and she was all screaming and stuff and they’re probably gonna, like, switch her brain with a squirrel or something! You should have been there!!”
She’s 10 going on 11. The child ain’t right.
[sub]My favorite mini-Marli quote: “Listen to that wind! It sounds like a goat giving birth to a cat!”[/sub]
I feel these parents are ignoring a valuable Teaching Moment here. Do they have an emergency action plan in place in the event of alien invasion? Perhaps now is the time to form one!