And, they left exact replicas in an effort to fool me. I’m not that dumb, though, so I caught on pretty quick. How could I not when things like this kept occurring:
Oldest child: “Hey mom, I’ll do that”…(said as I opened the dishwasher to unload and load)
Middle child: “I love this squash!”…(from the supposed picky eater)
Three-year-old: “I’m sleepy. I’m going to take a nap”…( )
Obviously these aliens will never make overlord status because they can’t do their background work. Fourteen year old boys don’t offer to do dishes! Eleven year old boys don’t like squash. Three year olds do not voluntarily nap. At least, not in my reality. This week has almost had too many surprises for me.
I will welcome them, though, and I may even ask them what they’ve done with my real children.
Dont ask for the old kids back. Take advantage of these new life forms. No preparing special or altered meals for the picky eater, no fights from the little one about nap time and best of all, the oldest one is doing the house work.
If by some chance there IS NOT a barcode or similar form of alien identification found on the specimens. Be afraid. Be very afraid. Someone wants something and they’re all in on it!
Never let on that you know what happened. If you do you might get stuck with the original kids again and this sounds like a real improvement.
You sure they were ever human? My little brother (okay, he’s 21, not so little anymore) refuses to tell us what planet he’s from, though he admits to his alien status…
Two days ago, he vacuumed. It was like space and time had turned upside down.
whiterabbit, my middle child, when he was younger, maintained that he was actually from Mars, and that he had a zipper instead of a bellybutton. I mostly laughed him off, until now… :eek:
Have you checked for goatees? Maybe they are Evil FaerieChildren from an alternate dimension. You can tell by the goatees.
Jeezus! Stonebow has a goatee! I’m surrounded!