I want to put a computer that does NOT have wi-fi in a spot where it would be difficult to run an ethernet cable. I know I could get a wi-fi card and install it, but I’m interested in other solutions.
Is there such a thing as a gizmo that can receive a wi-fi signal and then pass it on through an ethernet cable to a computer? You know, sort of the wi-fi equivalent of a satellite dish?
>Is there such a thing as a gizmo that can receive a wi-fi signal and then pass it on through an ethernet cable to a computer? You know, sort of the wi-fi equivalent of a satellite dish?
You can get a wireless access point and put in client bridge mode to do this, which would run you around 50-80 dollars and the hassle of setting it up. Or you can simply buy a usb or pci wifi adapter for less than half that.
An easier solution may be Ethernet over the mains.
There is a supply adaptor that plugs into the mains next to your router, to which you attach a LAN cable. the other adaptor plugs into the mains next to the PC. You attach a LAN cable to that, job done.
I’ve found the USB WiFi to be a bit troublesome. OK for a laptop, but not great for desktops. I prefer to use an actual add-in card. D-Link makes one, as do many other vendors.
I have a very similar question but Ethernet is the only option I have. I have a network-enabled Blu-Ray player that has Ethernet but not WiFi.
I have Verizon FiOS, and there is co-ax in the room but no Ethernet. So an option I might have that would not be available to the OP is to put some device on the co-ax, but I’m not sure what the options are there. I could get another router from Verizon but I’m guessing there is a cheaper/easier way to go. I doubt that conventional cable modems would work, but I don’t know.
If I tap directly into the co-ax instead of a WiFi-to-cable type converter as mentioned, I still need to be on the same network, not sure if that’s possible if I’m not talking to the existing router somehow.
A inksys WET54g will do exactly what you discribe. Other manufacturers make similar things, google “ethernet-wireless bridge” or “wireless gaming adapter”