teeming millions

Where are they. This board is positive slow.

The Trustworthy Troglodyte

So far we’re only seeing the early birds.The rest are waiting for the old place to fade to black.
Although in the few months I’ve been hanging out here even one million posters seems an over estimation.
Now that this board is out in the real web maybe that will change.


Please consider: the Teeming Millions refers to all of Cecil’s devoted fans. And there are a few poor souls that can only read the Master in print-- not having a computer in which to access up to the minute hijinks and wonders. And there might be others that are lurking, reading the board, wanting to join in… and yet afraid to come out into the light, and possibly get flamed.

And then there will probably be the Great Exodus once AOL implements its eeeeviiiiil plans. Well, whatever. Guess The Rosie O’Donnell show needed the bandwidth :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

And I like it better here. So there. Nyah.


Wench #407, IWG
Wenchmommy extraordionaire
Goddess of Typos, Dark Chocolate and Fyne Ale

I imagine that AOL going away will change things. I for one have been a fan of the Great One for many years but not an AOL user. I’m sure that the audience will grow when word gets out.

Personally, I just took the plunge and dumped aol as soon as I knew this board was up and running. I figured I might be tempted to squirm back to familiar territory unless I cut the cord completely. I like this new board, too. It just takes a little getting used to. I betcha there are some former aol-board denizens out there lurking nervously (as I was myself). We’ll all get the hang eventually. And, we’ll have the opportunity to meet many of our non-aol counterparts. I think we’ll be seeing some new and exciting stuff soon – a new energy on the board. Change is good – really!

Jess (looking timidly around and shuffling her feet)

Lurking is surely unnecessary … I’ve participated in several net based boards over the years and this is so far one of the friendliest communities I’ve seen.

The Trustworthy Troglodyte

Lurking is surely unnecessary … I’ve participated in several net based boards over the years and this is so far one of the friendliest communities I’ve seen.}}}

George hasn’t gotten here yet, that’s why it’s friendly.


This board is certainly different, but I am beginning (one n or two?) to figure it out. I think I like this one the best of all the new choices we’ve had so far. I like being able to read a whole thread in one fel swoop, but the wait is rather long to load some of them. I am having som trouble geting from one topic to another. When I use the “oldest” or “newest” links, I sometimes get the same topics over again. I check to see if there is a new post at the bottom, but no, it’s the same as it was when I read it before. I don’t mind re-reading the thread so much as waiting for the dang thing to load and then finding out I’ve already read it. Will there be some easier way to navigate this board in time?


On the other hand, you have different fingers.

Nice to see you, Luvs!

There’s a couple of options for you here . . . first off, look in the upper right hand corner. You should see a “tree” of folder choices; sometimes it’s easier to just flip back to the main page and then go forward.

Then again, you could go down to the bottom, click on a section, and hit “go.” That takes you places, too.

You could also use the “search” function to find certain posts, based on whatever criteria you like, pretty much.

And, of course, you can also limit your preferences in the number of days worth of posts that you see, either manually, section by section, or establish what you like in your “prefs.”

It also bears mentioning again that the AOL browser is not the most effective one around and that ANY other browser will be faster. Also try holding down the Shift key when you hit the “reload” button; that speeds things up as well.

Good luck and I hope these things help.

your humble TubaDiva

Hi TubaDiva! Thanks for the answer. I’m sure I will get the swing of this soon. BTW, I’m not coming here through AOL. After hearing the problems of using the AOL browser, I prolly won’t, ever.

It’s really great to see my dear friends again! (Hi Melis!) This feels like home already.

Proud Member: The Warm Fuzzy Brigade

I will take a WAG that this is happening after you post a reply? I’ve noticed that when I post a reply, the thread I post to moves up to the top of the list of threads (as it now has the most recently posted message). Then, when you post “next oldest” it takes you to the thread that had previously been the first on the list.

So after you post a reply, the easiest thing to do is go back up a level and click on what would have been the next thread if you hadn’t shifted the status quo.

nuqDaq yuch Dapol? (Where do you keep the chocolate?)