Teen displays brilliance at Micky D's

Please refer to iampunha’s post, earlier in this thread. :slight_smile:

Or if chemistry: 2.687 X 10e3 years.

Approximately 6 hours, at which time Einstein, checking to see that his parents are in bed, will climb out his bedroom window and meet up with Girlfriend for some midnight necking.

The term “LOL” gets tossed around a lot on message boards, IM conversations, emails, phone text messaging, and middle school English papers.

It’s refreshing when something truly does make me laugh aloud.

Einstein sez: “If this is anything like Aunt Flo, I don’t wanna hear about it, lady!” :eek:

I wish I had a Magic Einstein Ball, that I could shake and know the answers to all of life’s persistent questions.

If they rely on the rhthym method they’re not going to have a choice.

What? I didn’t see any improper use of anything. I think I need to go find a grammar pit thread… L8R111!!!

Well, the box is in my lap and has a hole in the bottom.

A hole in the bottom? Wouldn’t that allow your McNuggets to fall out?


The sad thing is I just got that answer was wrong.

The even sadder thing is that I’m afraid to tell this story to a couple of people where I work for fear they won’t ever get it.

Wait. How does dancing make you pregnant?


You didn’t know that? You can also get pregnant if you’re necking while wearing a bikini, but you CAN’T get pregnant the first time you have sex. It’s like a law, you know.

If you’re Methodist or Baptist, I think. Hence, the no-dancing rules.

If you are a mennonite, you don’t have sex because it will lead to dancing…

What’s that joke?
Why don’t Methodists (or Baptists) have sex standing up?
Because someone might see them and think they’re dancing.

Or the one I learned in health class in high school:

*Q: Can you get VD from sitting on a toilet seat?

A: Yes, but a bed is more comfortable.*

:eek: :smack:

No, no, no. This intellectually stimulated couple will rely on a much more time-honored and proven method. That’s what the Super Sized Coke TM was for. Of course, it maybe a little conspicuous while her douching with it is done in the parking lot of whatever establishment they end up in.

I have no faith that they’d get anywhere near a theatre in any city in the US. Now Europe, what with that whole bridge thing, might be a possibility.


To the same point, I once heard dancing defined as a navel engagement with no loss of semen.

3 weeks ago school started in the States?? How long was the summer vacation then?

School starts on the first of September here in Canada. (AFAIK) with 2 months of break. July and August.

We get most of June, July, and we start school the last week of August. Then the next Monday is Labor Day, so we have that day off.