Telemarketing Tsunami!

I’ve been working up a sweat running to the phone to answer to some script-reading Willy Loman every fifteen minutes, it seems.

I think I know why. The Minnesota “do not call” list is going to become active in January 2003. I am on this list. Telemarketers are required to get copies of this list. They may already have it. They see this is their last chance to call me without risk of being fined.

They have sophisticated machinery to help them call multiple people at once to increase their profitability. They are smooth and efficient operations. So Jumping Jesus why can’t they fucking figure out that I’ve never bought anything over the phone and never fucking will? I’ve never even wavered.

Don’t they pay statistics-wielding misfits who have sold their souls to those-who-would-con-the-elderly in order to figure out who is worth calling and who isn’t?

And who are these people who say that corporations and databases know too much about us? They can’t! If they did, they should be able to devine from it that I WILL NEVER, EVER, BUY YOUR FUCKING SHIT FROM YOU.

Only one more day before I never hear from you slimeballs again [unless calling on behalf of a not-for-profit or a company I’ve done business from before].

Like a total dweeb in a singles bar, they keep hitting on you, hoping to get lucky :smiley:

Hope springs eternal in the human breast.

I was a telemarketer for four long, agonizing days. Our operation was very simple: a room with desks, on which sat ordinary phones, each with a script board propped up behind. The numbers were just culled from the telephone book, and given to us as sticky labels on a sheet. We were to take the “NEVER CALL ME AGAIN, OR I’LL SUE!” responses, and paste them to one sheet, the hang-ups to another (to be called again at another time) and the Victims to a third sheet.

Remember, EVERYONE is worth calling . . . a call only costs a few cents-- a few bucks, maybe, if you figure in the telemarketer’s time, and if they’re sucessful just this once, they’ll be able to rip you off for enough to pay for it all.

Oh, Lissa come on! I mean I once blew a drunk in a Greyhound station for a buck so I could buy some drugs, but you’d never catch me telling anyone about it.

You know, get some standards.

hangs head in shame

They told me that one of the steps in my recovery was owning up to my past mistakes.

Sorry . . .

Well…OK then, if you’re really sorry.

::patpats:: There there, Lissa. I was a telemarketer, too, for about 4 weeks…we all make our mistakes in life. What’s important is that we stopped. :wink:

Back to the OP…I don’t know. I’ve been home for about 2 weeks, now, and I haven’t gotten a single telemarketing call. In fact, I think we average maybe one a week normally. Maybe it’s just a coincidence?

We got the sudden onslaught too. Boy, I can’t wait 'til it goes into effect.