Tell me about the Coraline trailer- possible spoilers

Last night was the last showing of Beowulf in 3-D in my area- and the first time I got the time to see it- or the ride home, for that matter. Even then, it was very close- I entered the theatre to the last line of the last trailer.

Unfortunately for me, that trailer was for Coraline, and it’s the only trailer I’ve ever desperately wanted to see. I’ve already checked online to try to find it- there’s no official posting yet, not even from Neil Gaiman, and nothing sketchy in the obvious places-YouTube, etc. I’m not going to look any further than that- if it’s not showing up on YouTube, I’m guessing it had but was removed due to copyright violations.

So, could anyone tell me what it was like? I know I’ll see a Coraline trailer one day, but I’d love to know what I missed. I don’t even know if it was a teaser or a full trailer! So any information at all would be awesome.

Note: Yes, there is a result for “Coraline trailer” on YouTube, but it’s a book trailer.