Tell Me This Guy Isn't Gay (A Game?) Plus - MarxBoy's 100th Post

Those of you familiar with this thread:

know of my trouble with a guy who is ostensibly straight. Well in this thread I reissue the challenge that I gave in that thread. Go to , then scroll down to “The Elliot Files”. Listen to the “Ophelia Song” (the file is small), then come back here and attempt to tell me that he isn’t gay. I bet you can’t do it. I mean damn. If this guy IS straight, he easily wins the title of the gayest straight man in the world.

With my courage no doubt bolstered by the backup offered by the fine folks here on the SDMB, I will drag him right out of the closet, and we will land together on the floor, and the rest will be censored. Yeeha.

BTW- I know this is really my 99th post, but you know my 100th will be in this thread. Don’t bother me about that one.


Here you bastards! Here it is! My 100th post! Spent keeping my thread alive! I hope you bastards are happy!

You can’t even be bothered to participate in my little game can you? I have to use my 100th post to save the thread. Come on, I bet if you hear the song you’ll get in to the game. Oh lord, why must my thread receive no responses?

Not one person has bothered to post! I hate you SDMB! I will fashion a great big doper-whacking stick out of old medical supplies, then I shall come to each of your homes and whack you with it repeatedly! You shall feel the sting of MarxBoy! Yes!



I’m not sure I can be afraid of a guy who was just yesterday banging his head on the wall.

'Sides, I already told you I thought he sounded pretty sexy. But I’m not going to make a judgement on his sexuality based on his music. Sorry. I know too many straight guys that I’m firmly convinced should have been gay.

  1. Go you.


Okay, that guy isn’t gay.

… Not much of a game, is it?

Yeah, you’re right. It was a stupid idea, now that I think about it. Thanks for humoring me Arden. Oh well, hopefully my next thread will be better. I know! The Blair Witch 2 Appreciation Thread! Oh, wait, never mind.


Oh, Marx. Don’t feel bad! When you come up to Quebec City (you ARE coming to Quebec City, I assume) look for me and I’ll show you a good time.

Good for you. :stuck_out_tongue: