Tell me you're a man without telling me you're a man

I gave up on love because I’m worried I might become an incel.

I drink tequila by the shot, and milk straight from the half-gallon in the fridge.

I smoke unfiltered cigarettes (albeit with a fancy bamboo holder on occasion).

I scratch when and where I itch.

If I talk in a meeting people not only listen, they assume I’ve got something valuable to say.

Not with a stick. :smirk:

I don’t think it’s something I have ever seen, but I (genuinely) thought that was supposed to be a bee.

(Apis - geddit? - Honey bee - Wikipedia )


Trivially NSFW ETA:

I often spend thirty minutes or more sitting on the john.

I will wait with a full bladder instead of using the middle of three urinals.

I can fold fitted sheets - once taught a woman in a laundromat how to do that. Made me feel very manly.

Pfft. Leave 'em in the dryer, take 'em out as needed.

When I throw a piece of wadded up paper into the garbage can successfully, I give a little fist pump or say, “Yes!”

No clean socks left. I’ll just rewear these.

Same for the underwear - easy to turn inside-out for another day (or two).

Mansplaining is short for man explaining.

I know how to stack a dishwasher properly.

The gunk buildup behind the refrigerator can be cleaned up with a sandblaster.

Wow, that’s a really cool looking WWII gas mask you have there.

(yes, I watched an old episode of Pawn Stars yesterday… what of it?)

Operating manual? That is only for people who don’t know what they are doing. Just do it. Look:

:boom: brzzzt! :zap: :fire: crash!


If her name is Mimi, not so hard. If its something like Sissy, I think I’d like to meet her.

My face is often itchy, but that’s by choice.

I can re-taste this morning’s coffee, or last night’s soup, from my beard.


No B…Ohh child…Y.

I have hardly any identical socks, and stopped caring about matching them twenty years ago.