When I was younger (let’s say from when I was 11 to about 15), I was extremely judgmental. Everyone has moments when a rude thought pops into their head, “God, what an idiot this guy is!” or irrational prejudices; but being judgmental was, for me, a major facet of my personality. For one thing, I was/am considered smart and a good student. Now, I don’t think I’m more intelligent than anyone else; my IQ was tested a few years ago around 108. It’s just that I pay attention in class, either because the subject is interesting to me (literature, math, etc.) or because I like making A’s. Also, I have a pretty good memory. However, when everyone around you pats you on the head and tells you what a freaking little genius you are and how you’re going to be a world-famous doctor some day, it can start to get to you. Also, I was (am?) very socially inept and not particularly talented in any other way, so the smart thing was all I had going. Because I got good grades, a lot of kids would come to me for help. These were the same kids who teased me and emptied my backpack onto the floor every other day. I’m ashamed to say that I felt superior to them in a way because they had to come to me; that I, in fact, lorded it over them.
“But wait, what’s 3^3 mean?” they might say.
“It means 3 x 3 x 3, which you might know if you’d been paying attention in class” said I.
Or if I got the highest test grade in the class, I might go around and compare my score with everyone else’s.
“I got a 94” one person might say proudly.
“Well, I got a 108” I’d say with an unmistakably smug air.
Oy, I’m surprised those kids didn’t beat the crap out of me.
In addition to being a little bastard to other kids, I was judgmental to people I felt morally superior to. The fact that I went to a Christian school and was beaten over the head daily with the “fact” that sinners were BAAAD and we Christians were GOOOD contributed significantly to this.
You’re sexually promiscuous? Ha, I’m better than you because I would never indulge in such base actions or thoughts. It should be said that my school’s definition of promiscuous is anyone who has sex outside of their monogamous, heterosexual marriage. When we asked whether or not people in a marriage were allowed to enjoy sex or whether it was just meant for procreation, they were a little on the fence about it. Seriously. You weren’t even allowed to enjoy sex with your wife. Look at another person with “lust in your heart”? You’re a sinner, you deserve eternal hellfire. End of story.
You get pregnant outside of wedlock? For shame! You get an abortion? Murderer! You curse or use the Lord’s name in vain? Vile blasphemer! You smoke pot responsibly every once in a while? You’re slapping God in the face! You’re defiant of authority figures? Why, that’s like pissing in God’s oatmeal! To the dogs with you!
You have tattoos or listen to gasp rock music or feel actual teenage emotions or are in any way not a clean-cut young Christian who sings praises to God for his bountiful mercy in not sending you to hell? You’re a sinner, you go to hell, do not pass go, do not collect 200 fucking dollars.
Now this is the part of the story I’m really ashamed of. In addition to all that I’ve said, we were taught that gay people were deserving of eternal torment. And I believed it. I honestly and truly believed with all I had that people in a mutually consenting, adult homosexual relationship were disgusting, vile, unnatural, terrible people and deserved to go to hell when they died (preferably of AIDS; that’ll learn 'em to feel!). Of course, God (in his great and endless mercy) does not judge the gays. They are his children too, even if they are horrible, twisted beast-men. So long as they do not act on these thoughts, they will be SAAAVED!!! from hellfire. Isn’t God just peachy keen, guys?
When I was about 16, I left Christian school and got away from the endless barrage of indoctrination that I had been privy to for so long. Know what happened then? I started to get a little glimmer of an inkling of a thought that perhaps getting a tattoo wasn’t such a bad thing. That maybe swearing is just a way to express your emotions in a particular situation, and that it isn’t “evil”. That maybe there’s a reason so many people have sex outside of marriage; that maybe, handled responsibly, lust isn’t such a terrible thing. And why is it that what gay people do in the privacy of their own homes is so awful?
Slowly, slowly, the judgmental, hateful thoughts began to chip away, and I began to look at all these things from a different perspective. From a human perspective. Once I did this, everything started clicking into place. I realized that for so long, I had been fed someone else’s idea of what is right, what is evil, what it is okay to feel, and what isn’t. I realized that it is no one’s right to tell someone else how to live their lives. That, in fact, I was the asshole here. Not the “sinners”. That everyone is human; everyone feels emotions and lust; everyone makes mistakes; everyone has the capacity to do stupid things. But that does not make me any better than anyone else.
Over time, I did a complete 180 in my thoughts. I became a liberal, atheist, live-and-let-live kind of person. If you aren’t hurting anyone, then it doesn’t matter to me what you do with your life. If you’re gay (or bi or pansexual or transsexual or polyamorous), then that’s ok. It doesn’t make you a bad person, it just means you have a different preference with who you have sex with. Judging him for liking guys is just as ridiculous and pointless as judging me for liking guys. There’s nothing wrong with feeling things for other people, even if it is not “the norm”. You know what? Fuck the norm. Who died and made Christians the judge of humanity? You’re an atheist or a Buddhist or a Muslim or a Taoist? Awesome, I’m glad you found a religion/belief system that works for you. Don’t judge me and I won’t judge you. You drink or smoke pot responsibly? Awesome, have fun. You curse like a sailor? Me too, let’s have a contest! You enjoy sex? Me too, let’s have a contest! You question what other people tell you to believe? You’re my kind of person.
Pretty much the only people I hate now are those that actually hurt themselves or others with greed or selfishness. Don’t get me wrong, I still believe humanity has the capacity to do terrible things. I just no longer hate humanity for being what it is. I also can’t stand people who judge others for being who they are. If you try to deny gay people adoption or marriage rights, I will not hesitate to mock or lambast you. I hate the person I used to be, and I love the person I am now. I have never been happier than I am right now. I realized that hating people is exhausting; that you have to constantly reinforce your convoluted beliefs in order to keep it up. Once I let go of the hate and embraced reality, I became a much better person.
At the same time, I also realized that lording my “superior knowledge” over other people was ridiculous, obnoxious, and actually hurtful. Why hurt someone else when you can help them learn? If someone asks me what a word means, I no longer think of them as stupid. I feel glad that they came to me because they trust me not to insult or judge them. I’m glad when the opportunity presents itself to teach something to someone else. God knows there are facets in my life in which I’m clueless, and I wouldn’t want others to think of me as an idiot. So why would I do that to someone else?