Ten Funniest Whedonverse Moments.

In no specific order, and prompted by my current viewing of Season 6 on DVD. Spoilers, obviously.

  1. Xander: Oh look, demons. Don’t see those everyday…unless you’re us.

  2. Angel imagining himself dancing.

  3. Simon: The Captain’s a good fighter… he must know how to handle a sword.
    Zoe: I think he knows which end to hold.

  4. Wesley and Cordelia’s tremendously awkward kiss in Season 3 of Buffy.

  5. VampHarmony and Xander’s tremendously awkward fight.

  6. Cordelia: Your cousin called, with one of those names from your part of England.
    Doyle: My part of England?!

  7. Fred (on learning Cordelia has been made a Pylean princess): Oh. When I got here they…They didn’t do that.–Well. That’s nice for her.

  8. Jayne, trying to take command of Serenity, instead spouts nonsense and then loses consciousness, because Simon has drugged him.

  9. Angel as a puppet.

  10. Buffy and Spike getting married. Except not really.

Simon: “This must be what going insane feels like.” Later… “No…this is what going insane feels like.”

Jaaaaayne…the man they call Jaaaaayne!

Buffy trying to read Angel’s mind, and getting nothing, as he stares at her blankly. Very closely followed by “I’m a funny guy.”

Spike Lips! Lips of Spike!!!

River…? Please, why don’t you come on out…

No. Can’t. Too much hair!

Favorite quote:

Harmony; So, Slayer. At last we meet.
Buffy: We’ve met, Harmony, you half-wit.
However, the funnies moment is non-verbal.

In “Dopplegangland” the group think Willow has been vamped. When Willow enters the library everybody jumps to their feet. Xander brandishes a cross to the non-vamped Will. When it has no effect, he shakes the cross to get it working and brandishes it again.


Dawn: Oh, my god. You will never believe what happened at school today.
Buffy: Everybody started singing and dancing?
Dawn: I gave birth to a pterodactyl.
Anya: Oh my god, did it sing?
All of Smile Time.
Spike: [Counting on his fingers] Sodding, blimey, shaggin’, knickers, bollocks. Oh, God. I’m English.

Angel singing Barry Manilow was pretty funny. Also funny was his describing it to Faith later on in the episode.

Angel, going to bad dude’s house, seeing a varied collection of cricket bats, whips, and bastanada on the wall: “So, why d’they call you ‘Spanky’?”

Mine, all Firefly:

Dinosaur-Wash: Ah, curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!

Jayne: You’re coming through good and loud.
Mal: 'Cos I’m standing right here.

Wash: There’s obeying going on right under my nose!

Wash: (to cow fetus): Do not fear me. Ours is a peaceful race, and we must live in harmony!

Mal: “Do You want to run this ship?”
Jayne: “Yes”
Mal: “Well…you can’t.”

The single funniest moment in the Whedonverse is an outtake from Serenity, available on the DVD:

Mal: “String up some bodies, four or five should do, and make sure Shepard Book is at the front, he was our friend and we should honour him. Kaylee, I want you to get the kid takin’ a dirt nap with baby Jesus, we need a hood ornament, and Jayne, try not to steal too much of their shit.”

I forgot one that always makes me laugh:

Giles: It appears to be paranormal in origin.
Buffy: How can you tell?
Giles: Well, it’s so shiny.

In that vein:

“Don’t taunt the fear demon.”
“Why, can he hurt us?”
“No, it’s just tacky.”

Wash: This sounds like something from Science Fiction.
Zoë: Honey, we live in a space ship.


Anya: How can I help?
Willow: Uh, distract him from Buffy. Uh, piss him off.
Anya: I don’t know how!
Willow: Anya, I have faith in you. There is no one you cannot piss off.

I was gonna post that…

My other favorite Serenity outtake…“Trap!”

Zoë: Jayne, this is something the captain has to do for himself.
Mal: No! No, it’s not!
Zoë: Oh!

Mal: “Huh.”

(the good bit happens next)

River Tam: Also, I can kill you with my brain.

close up on Xander, apparently reviewing a battle plan; pull back to reveal a game of D & D, a scene which contains one of my favorite lines:
Giles: “I used to be a highly respected Watcher. Now, I’m a wounded dwarf with the mystical strength of a doily.”

eta: Giles has been demonized by Ethan; Giles and Spike are on their way to find Ethan (or possibly Buffy); Giles spies Maggie Walsh from the car, tells Spike to pull over, gets out, chases Maggie; satisfied, he gets back in the car and they continue on.

I don’t know Buffy etc., but the funniest lines in Firefly were all ones that weren’t spoken.

In the pilot episode, when Mal discovers the Alliance mole. No dramatic speeches, just bang.
In “The Train Job”, Mal kicking the thug into the engine.
And in the movie, River’s raised eyebrow in response to “Am I talking to Miranda right now?”.