Terminator 3, as direct by Ridley Scott

…Silly alternate history speculation time.

I just found out, on the imdb, that Ridley Scott was considered as a director for Terminator 3.

Obviously, that didn’t happen. And I don’t know if Mr. Scott would even have had any interest in doing such a thing.

But…if he had?

•All the fight scenes would have been in that “Motion Blur-less” style.

•The Terminator theme would be performed by Vangelis, with vocals by Lisa Gerrard.

•There would have been more than two terminators sent back through time (the exact number would be a little unclear, because of some conflicting dialogue). At least one of them would have been played by Michael Wincott. (Talks with Sigourney Weaver would break down over creative differences.)

•The weather in the film would be slightly unusual, possibly raining. Definitely smokey or misty.

•Skynet would either be portrayed semi-sympathetically, or it would have a “moment of doubt” about it’s actions.

•The film would have been nominated for an Academy Award for best cinematography.

So…any thoughts?

It would be filmed in a lot of shadow.

There would be several scenes with lots of particulate matter (rose petals, pollen spores, ash, whatever) gentley falling to earth in slow motion.

20 something John Connor would not have been played by a Seth Green lookalike.

The evil Terminator would be all introspective and shit

Scott would still be required to include the standard Terminator lines:
“I need your clothes, your boots and your sunglasses”
“Come with me if you want to live”
“Get out”
“Ill be back”

My ears would not have popped from the resultant drop in air-pressure in the theatre from all that concentrated suck.

At the end, John Connor and Kate Brewster decide to eliminate the chance of Judgement Day by sacrificing themselves, which they do by driving a convertible off a cliff. In the final fade-to-white, the polaroid of Sarah Connor from the first film floats by in the breeze.

The “blowd up” scene at the research faculty with the robots running amok would have been at night.

The lights would of kept flickering on and off as they were tracked by a couple of T-1s.

Why? Did something happen to Hans Zimmer and Enya?