Test thread — to test things out. Do not lock!

In my old test thread I had played with coloring of text, with the old forum software. It looks like we have some basic ability now.


Spoilering urls

ETA Yep, works. Got it.


One sometimes needs to

double spoiler

What does this do?

Гражданский кодекс Российской Федерации
Όποιος ζημιώσει άλλον παράνομα και υπαίτια έχει υποχρέωση να τον αποζημιώσει.
نة 1976
ประมาทเลินเล่อ ของตน

Oh how interesting, the double spoiler.

double spoiler

Oh how interesting, the double spoiler.
Haha, made you look! :slight_smile:

The double spoiler can be used for NSFW.


testing again … some more text … and more and more and more
and more and more …


Well OK then.

colored squares


And then this:



* — use a backslash with the asterisk, otherwise…

  • — you’ll get a bullet

*Or don’t put a space.

*okay, no space. Thanks!





Use details for a collapsible pull-down —

Wordle 999 99/6* 2022-01-99



Maths —

(\mu \beta.u)v \; \triangleright_c \; \mu \beta.u \bigl[ [\beta](w v)/[\beta] w \bigr ]

From DPRK – Which academic discipline does logic belong to? - #39 by DPRK


The blur spoiler (supposedly) remembers its toggled state (blurred, not blurred) when a post is edited. It thus can appear to not be working.

The following two lines have blur spoilers. The third line does not.

This line is toggled with the blur off.

This line is toggled with the blur on.

Toggle before editing to remember its state, then save the edit. Does that work? No it doesn’t appear to work that way.

I got that from here. I’m unsure how to make this happen but I did see it when I posted in that same Wordle thread.

Well, hmmm. Lemme see if I can reproduce my issue here.

Test 1: Opening tag in the text, closing tag on its own line.

Test 2:

Vice versa

That was my initial guess. Now lemme try an edit.

Going to toggle this visible, save, and see if the redraw re-blurs it.

Nope, those all worked fine here.

Maybe it struggles with the Wordle thread because it’s long?