Test thread — to test things out. Do not lock!

Possibly. I had that problem in that thread too.

Testing something.

Dang it. Gonna have to try again

Testing again…

That worked. Now for the next test.

bare wikiquote link Ronald Knox - Wikiquote

bare wikipedia link Heywood Broun - Wikipedia

bare wikiquote link on its own line

bare wikipedia link on its own line

Can someone explain to hopeless idiot Red Wiggler how to turn autofill back on when posting on this board?

Sorry Red, can’t help you there.

I came here to paste this from Wordle:


What’s autofill in the context of discourse? You mean when you hit # and get the little pop-up drop-down thingy?

When I start typing a word I get a list of possible completed words at the top of the, uh, keyboard. If my desired word pops up among them I can quit typing and just select the completed word.

Oh you mean above the keyboard on your phone? The phone’s keyboard?

Is it missing everywhere, or just here on the dope?

My fault for not being specific. I’m on a Fire. When I hit the Reply button, a touch keypad comes into view, allowing me to type my post. I’m not getting autofill suggestions at the top of the keypad as I have in the past.

This is not happening at my other boards. Since it is unique to this one, I’m wondering if I have accidentally changed a setting.

@Red_Wiggler that is a unique situation. There may (or may not) be a Discourse / site-specific setting for that. Recommend you reach out to the mods. Good luck!

how to spoiler alertThis text will be blurred Where is the Eye?
under settings Icon (no EYE) Youtube said there is an EYE icon! highlight this first then hit settings

I think you’re right. Can anyone recommend the best admin for advice on technical issues?

Hmmm, you may want to start s new ATMB thread for that if you haven’t already.

I don’t see any eye icon but at the bottom right there is a rectangular icon that looks like a monitor. While composing a post you can use that to preview it.
