My baby picture:
Damn. Back to the drawing board . . .
One more time . . .
Dr. Watson, don’t put a “www.” in front of “”.
Here’s what you want:
You musta been a beautiful baby . . . :::giggling :::
your humble TubaDiva
You guys are amazing. I’ve been scratchin’ my head over this one fer a week now . . .
Thanks much. One more try, just to be sure . . .
Cute little devil, ain’t I?
Hot damn! Life is good!
But how did I manage to evoke the ‘Error’ message I keep getting telling me that payment is required for this document? Was it the “www” part?
Dr. Watson
“Building a shrine to Arnold and Tuba.”
It’s just you.
No, it was the “www” part.
your humble TubaDiva
Then again, maybe it was just you.
I can’t tell you how relieved I am to find out that it was just me (with a bit of help from my fail-safe onboard stupidity mechanism) what evoked the evil ‘Error Message’. I was afraid I might have pissed off Bill Gates somehow, and he was demanding payment.
Anyway, it isn’t my fault. I was raised in a dysfunctional household, as my family portrait proves:
I mean, the apples don’t fall far from the tree, eh?
Dr. Watson
“Ye’ve created a monster! Save yerselves while there’s still time!”
1 for 4. Drat.
Back to the drawing board . . .
One more try, then I go back to me Grans scissors factory and resume me old job of puttin’ in the little screw . . .
" ".
well lets see
"_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ".
Is it just me, again, or did the moral absoluteness of nothing just reduce this thread with an almost undetectable Zen-like vacuity?
I can barely hear it pounding down among the ruins; sad to say, I don’t think I’m the only one.
Dr. Watson
“The no-mind not-thinks no-thoughts about no-things.” – The Buddha
Dr. Watson, the problem with your second picture (Family1.jpg) is that it’s not a valid file. I would try uploading it again. (When I saved the file to my hard disk, a graphics program was unable to open it.)
Not a valid file ain’t the half of it.
It tested fine when I first uploaded it a few days ago, but I just downloaded the sucker and hit the ‘View Description’ thing. It gave me a song list from a WAV file.
Next question. Is there a relatively secure place to upload these things to? It seems that the aol member space is wide open for jokers with too much time on their hands.
Dr. Watson
“Disorder increases with time because we measure time in the direction in which disorder increases.” – Steven Hawking, genius
Dr. Watson, I personally have never had a problem with my files at “”. Does anyone else at your house use AOL also? Maybe someone uploaded a file and gave it the same name by mistake?