jibber jabber.
What was the answer?
The microphone works.
I am annoyed once again that certain individuals refuse to accept that the correct answer is 3. Maybe I should open a Pit thread…
Four or death, threeist scum!
Neither to one nor to two shalt thou count. The count shall be three and three shall be the count.
Five is apparently right out.
“3” has four.
“4” has three.
I am sore afraid.
This is like a 3 Dog Night song.
There is only the one. All else is illusion.
Well, that’s what I get for going from memory; close but no cigar. FTR here’s the full and correct incantation of threeness: Monty Python - Holy Handgrenade - YouTube
Dalai Lama (calling pizza parlor): Can you make me one with everything?
Oh, that’s just great. You left off five.
Two is the loneliest number it seems.
Clearly, the test poll is a failure.
There’s no π option, only whole numbers. :dubious: