Testing edit function

Lets see if this works then.

two minutes later… does it still work ?

Strange, less than five minutes after I posted the edit button has gone. Is the edit a one-time only feature?
[inserted text after 4 minutes]

Another test message
[test insertion]

Yes, the edit function is for only 5 minutes. It is useful but keeps us mostly honest. A great compromise.

That’s ok, I’m usually [del]slightly dishonest[/del] mostly honest.

As a test of my honesty, I’ll try to edit without giving a reason.

Edited to add: I have no reason.

This is a test.

Hey, it works for me too

I know that, but I tried to edit just after 4 minutes by my stopwatch, and couldn’t. ie it stopped working after LESS THAN 5 minutes.

If you were typing at very fast speeds (relative to the speed of light) then time went by faster, of course.

Eric Blair, eat your heart out.


What’s George Orwell got to do with it?

BTW, is it just me, or is the board running at snails pace for everyone else too?

Are the new features slowing the board down?

I wanna give it a test drive too.
And it’s too nifty! Awesome! :slight_smile:

This comment deleted by the Ministry of Information for purposes of national security. Move along, there’s nothing to see here.

It runs okay for me, but I never seem to have the kinds of connection problems on a regular basis that others complain of. Or maybe I’m just more Zen about it.


Well, I’ll be!

So what happens if I edit my post and add a comment, then a moderator later edits my post again? Will there be two comments, or only the lasted edit comment?

It should only have the last edit, I saw **Frank ** do that to **Giraffe ** in test.

Cool. Thanks.


[edit]This has not been edited, it just uses the edit tag[/edit]

What comment? There has never been a comment.