Testing Symbol

  1. [symbol]Ñ[/symbol] x H = [symbol]e[/symbol][sub]0[/sub] [symbol]d[/symbol]E/[symbol]d[/symbol]t + j
  2. [symbol]Ñ[/symbol] x E = - [symbol]m[/symbol][sub]0[/sub] [symbol]d[/symbol]H/[symbol]d[/symbol]t
  3. [symbol]Ñ[/symbol] . H = 0
  4. [symbol]Ñ[/symbol] . E = [symbol]r[/symbol]/[symbol]e[/symbol][sub]0[/sub]


God said…

and there was light…

I can only assume that’s Maxwell’s Equations. Pretty cool, but FYI, it won’t look like that to everyone. I use Netscape, and here’s how it looks to me:

Try this:

  1. [symbol]Ñ[/symbol] x H = ε[sub]0[/sub] ∂E/∂t + j
  2. [symbol]Ñ[/symbol] x E = - μ[sub]0[/sub] ∂H/∂t
  3. [symbol]Ñ[/symbol] . H = 0
  4. [symbol]Ñ[/symbol] . E = ρ/ε[sub]0[/sub]

How does that look in Netscape? And anyone know another way to do the del operator?



I’d thought Symbol was pretty much universal…

Ah well

To do a del operator in Netscape you can use:

∇ = ∇

But I don’t think is universal, either.

That shows up as a square in IE.

How was the rest of my post? Did rho, epsilon, mu and the partial differential show up correctly?

Yes they did. Although the dot product looked like a period.





And for some reason, your B for the magnetic field came out looking like an H, and we all know that’s not right. After all, it’s all vacuum anyway.


You might also try, by the way, just using a superscript period for a dot product. It won’t copy and paste well, but it will at least look right on (almost) all browsers.

I think that just using · will work too. Let’s see:

A · B

D = ε[sub]o[/sub]E + P
H = B/μ[sub]o[/sub] − M

[symbol]Ñ[/symbol] x H = ∂D/∂t + J
[symbol]Ñ[/symbol] x E = − ∂B/∂t
[symbol]Ñ[/symbol] · B = 0
[symbol]Ñ[/symbol] · D = ρ

Happy with that version, Chronos?

And if it was free space, I could write:

[symbol]Ñ[/symbol][sup]2[/sup] x B = μ[sub]o[/sub]ε[sub]o[/sub] ∂[sup]2[/sup]B/∂t[sup]2[/sup]
[symbol]Ñ[/symbol][sup]2[/sup] x E = μ[sub]o[/sub]ε[sub]o[/sub] ∂[sup]2[/sup]E/∂t[sup]2[/sup]

Alternatively, in Heaviside-Lorentz:

D = E + P
H = BM

[symbol]Ñ[/symbol] x H = (∂D/∂t + J)/c
[symbol]Ñ[/symbol] x E = (-∂B/∂t)/c
[symbol]Ñ[/symbol] · B = 0
[symbol]Ñ[/symbol] · D = ρ

May as well do the others, too.


D = E + 4[symbol]p[/symbol]P
H = B − 4[symbol]p[/symbol]M

[symbol]Ñ[/symbol] x H = (∂D/∂t + 4[symbol]p[/symbol]J)/c
[symbol]Ñ[/symbol] x E = (-∂B/∂t)/c
[symbol]Ñ[/symbol] · B = 0
[symbol]Ñ[/symbol] · D = 4[symbol]p[/symbol]ρ

cgs esu:

D = E + 4[symbol]p[/symbol]P
H = c[sup]2[/sup]B − 4[symbol]p[/symbol]M

[symbol]Ñ[/symbol] x H = ∂D/∂t + 4[symbol]p[/symbol]J
[symbol]Ñ[/symbol] x E = -∂B/∂t
[symbol]Ñ[/symbol] · B = 0
[symbol]Ñ[/symbol] · D = 4[symbol]p[/symbol]ρ

And, lastly, cgs emu:

D = E/c[sup]2[/sup] + 4[symbol]p[/symbol]P
H = B − 4[symbol]p[/symbol]M

[symbol]Ñ[/symbol] x H = ∂D/∂t + 4[symbol]p[/symbol]J
[symbol]Ñ[/symbol] x E = -∂B/∂t
[symbol]Ñ[/symbol] · B = 0
[symbol]Ñ[/symbol] · D = 4[symbol]p[/symbol]ρ

Buncha fuggin’ geeks.