Definitely worrisome, especially since this is about qualifying people as science teachers. Why stop at Creation Science? Why not say that people who study astrology are qualified as science teachers.
I noticed this from the article:
“Teach the controversy” is right out of the Discovery Institute songbook. It’s fallacious, disingenuous bullshit. There is no scientific controversy over evolution. Just because uneducated people don’t want to believe it doesn’t mean that there’s any legitmate controversy.
If I don’t believe in the germ theory of disease, does that mean there is a "controversy’ about it and that this “controvery” should be taught in medical schools? By their logic, people who believe that diseases are caused by evil spirits and who train as witch doctors to learn all about them should be licensed to teach in med schools.
This was advice from an advisory committee. The board hasn’t made a decision yet. There is not yet a real reason to panic. Next month may be a different story.
But seriously, how can one have a master’s in creation? There is no theory of creation, just nose-thumbing at legitimate science. Just how much learning is there in reading the first two books of Genesis?
Seems a bit early to get TO worked up about this. It’s just an advisory ruling, and it hasn’t even happened yet. I think if I lived in Texas (thank the gods I don’t) then I’d be starting to agitate against this however…the sooner the better to nip this in the bud.
It’s hard to believe that something like this would be accredited simply if the state says so. Pretty unreal, that.
I wouldn’t bet a nickel against this garbage going straight through and I wouldn’t bet a nickel that teachers with “Masters Degrees” will be out there and will be hired. Texas is capable of insanity that makes Kansas look like the very model of scientific thought.
Wait, so can I get one of these degrees and then go around claiming that I have a masters degree? I mean, sure it’s no MBA, but if all I have to do is submit a drawing of people riding dinosaurs or whatever as my thesis and then I can get a better paying job by listing this on my resume I’m totally going to do this. I mean, sure fuck these morons but I’ll take them for anything I can get up to and including a doctorate if they want to start offering them. The way to fight accreditation is by total discreditation and abuse and I’m just the man for the job.
I wonder if next they will change theology degrees into science degrees or start offering Masters Degrees in English education for how to read the code in the static on your TV.
I like the “Advanced Studies of Creationism”. Do you get to see God actually creating something in that course? The current governor of Texas, Rick Perry, has a degree in Animal Science (not sure exactly what that entails), but he seems to be a pretty hard core Biblical literalist.
We may need to get a ruling from the SCOTUS to stop this nonsense from invading HS science classed. The Dover case was pivotal, but limited in jurisdictional reach.
You guys just need to keep repeating what we learned in grade eight: if it leads to independently-testable hypotheses that can be falsified or verified, it’s science. Anything else is opinion.
Who cares? People who can’t tell ICR science degrees from real science degrees are dumbasses anyway - if Texas starts approving them, it’ll just invite higher scrutiny for non-dumbass degrees at non-dumbass institutions, which is long overdue.
Don’t you think that the fact that Texas has an advisory board full of Bible-thumping anti- scientific morons is worrying enough? Ones who either never read about the Dover decision or who don’t care?
Is there a way to make Texas be its own country again? Please? My brother lives there. He’s a nice guy and all (he lives in Austin), but seriously, what is this shit? If it were its own country, all the other nutters would move there too, and we’d all be better off.
Can I get a Master’s in Nick at Night? Wait, make that TVLand–that’s more my milleu…