Lord knows that nitpicking is a sin I have been guilty of many times in my life. If it was a sport, I could medal in it. But nothing makes me resolve to be less of a PITA than being on the receiving end of obnoxious literal nitpicking. Example from today, which actually really pissed me off:
We had a meeting for which we rearranged the tables and chairs in the room. Afterward, a coworker and I had to put the furniture back. That led to this exchange:
ME: Let’s drag this table out of the way. It lives again that wall over there, under the window.
HER: It doesn’t live anywhere. It’s an inanimate object.
I swear, I wanted to slap her so bad my hand itched. It’s an inanimate object? Well, thanks for the news flash! I guess that’s why it didn’t just walk back to its spot, huh? Why don’t you take your humorlessness and air of superiority and shove them up your ass, if there’s room up there next to the stick? Stupid passive-aggressive bitch.
Every day you forward a dozen idiotic e-mails with cute little fucking bunnies and bad jokes. In one, the message started “I’ll just take it as a hint if I don’t get this back.” No, bitch, you won’t. Did you even read the fucking thing before sending it on?
What I meant was nitpicking based on being willfully and stupidly literal. But thank you, pizzabrat for such a great example of exactly the sort of thing I was talking about.
Awww… for what it’s worth, Jodi, I love the idea of inanimate objects having life-like qualities. The table has a home. squee
I’m not sure how Tiny Rants works… is everyone supposed to rant about something?
If that’s the case, I pit my pathetic pain in the ass body for taking a looong-ass time to recover from having my Wisdom Teeth removed, and for being so fucked up it actually seems to be developing a physical aversion to food, in which anything I feed it makes it sick. Said condition of course only prolonging the surgery recovery time. growls
This lingering, nagging bug I’ve got can kiss my ass. I want to sleep in my own firm big king-sized bed with my husband, but just as I drift off to sleep I start coughing and can’t stop. Then I have to get up and move to the cold, soft twin-sized bed in the guest room so that I don’t wake up Mr. brown. This bedroom faces towards our neighbor’s backyard, and they keep a squealing, squeaking little dog out there. Between Squeaky the dog and my coughing, I’ve been getting very little sleep for a week and I’m as crabby as hell.
Actually, I feel sorry for the dog. It’s only a little shih tzu kind of pup, and they keep it outside all night long. It has been very cold for central California lately, and he’s probably freezing.
I got my dogs all riled up over their Kongs this morning, inside the house. Bad move. Daytona crashed into the end table in the living room, knocking over the beautiful lamp my mom gave my husband and I as a wedding gift. Its glass shade shattered.
Oh thank you Jesus, I was on my way in here to start my own mini-rant thread if there wasn’t one already!
Let me see, in how many ways does today suck a giant ass…
New glasses, which are making me feel very odd and off-kilter as I have never worn glasses before, and are generally skewing my attitude toward negative and making driving an adventure, if by adventure you mean spend-every-second-on-the-road-praying-I-don’t-die.
Dropped off computer at Best Buy to fix mysterious CD ROM failure that I am sure is my fault but I cannot figure out how. Found out that what we thought would take a week at most will, in fact, take 2-4 weeks as they are sending it out for repair. Of course, this comes one week after we got DSL for the first time in my life and I have been deleriously happy cruising around the net for hours at a time at home. No more.
Still trying to catch up on work because one of the programs we use the most here was down for the first 3 1/2 days this week. Now that it’s up again, we have to come in this weekend and work overtime tonight to catch up, when all I want to do is go home and curl into a ball and cry for the loss of my computer.
Yesterday was the first of February, which meant I had to flip my Pirates of the Caribbean calendar so now instead of getting to gaze at Jack Sparrow, I have to look at Will’s mug all day. :rolleyes:
sigh Oh yeah, I’m crackin’ open a bottle of wine tonight.
You have a quest log.
You have a map.
Use the damn things.
Or failing that, use thottbot, they have a lot of the BC info up already. Just stop using general chat as your personal hand-holder for completing quests.
(I know I could turn it off, but I usually leave it visible for the rare occasions something interesting pops up)
To the not-so-clean freak: So I gather you think the handle on the bathroom door is highly contaminated. Maybe, maybe not. Why don’t you get some hand condoms? Because your habit of using a paper towel as a germ barrier and then tossing it on the ground because you can reach the trash without recontamination is highly disgusting.
To Mr. Shy-guy: I don’t know what you are doing down here, but we’re here to use the company gym. All you seem to want to do is sneak in, use the bathroom, and then sneak out. I guess whatever the hell you are doing is too embarrassing for you to do it in one of the 4 bathrooms located on each of the 5 floors in this building. Ever think that if what you are doing is so perverse and disturbing that you must spare the rest of the building from the spectacle, we aren’t going to be all that pleased to see you in the gym either?
I’ve been working at home all day today because you’re supposed to be delivering my new computer here today, and my signature is required. 15 minutes ago the FedEx truck stopped in front of my neighbor’s house. Your driver jumped out, trotted to their front door, trotted back again 20 seconds later, jumped back in the truck and zoomed off. I couldn’t see if she had a package when she went to their front door, but she definitely wasn’t carrying my new computer.
I have a bad feeling about that…
If it turns out that she was trying to deliver my computer to the wrong address, and now I won’t get it today, then I will be seriously pissed. I don’t know if you deliver on Saturday, but I sure ain’t taking another day at home if you fucked up.
Amen brother! While I love the new content in TBC, every freaking zone is full fucking kids with nothing better to do than spam general chat with their shitfilled, ego puffing, infantile chest beating intertwined with the 203947 yells of “ne 1 no loc of gunny? wtb loc gunny!”
My other mini rant: Dumbass, hungover boss in a fighting mood, dictates a letter, letter finalized, but he sneaks out, so get the “sign it for me”, letter signed, and sent out. He gets call from recipient of letter expressing outrage, now dumbass, drunk boss bitches at me because I “signed” and sent the letter. “I don’t recall dictacting that letter.” Fuktard. Sober up.
People, please learn what the words ‘grateful’ and ‘gracious’ mean!
According to M-W:
Grateful: “1 a: appreciative of benefits received b: expressing gratitude”
Gracious: “2 a: marked by kindness and courtesy <a gracious host> b: graceful c: marked by tact and delicacy : urbane d: characterized by charm, good taste, generosity of spirit, and the tasteful leisure of wealth and good breeding <gracious living>”
Do not call me up and ask me to drive you somewhere and tell me you’ll be really gracious if I would. Do not narrate a story by saying that you “accepted the invitation graciously.” It just makes you look like an ass who toots his own horn.
Mother Nature, please kindly stop dropping the barometric pressure so that my brain box hurts like a mofo.
To my “supervisor” at work: what ever medication you are taking for your 50 panic attacks at day is not working. Please kill yourself or something.
To the Big Cheif HooHaa at work: Please. Fer the love of Fuck, stop saying THE big Cheif is coming into the store to make everything look snappy. If I missed Fred making an appearance, I duly apologize, but fer fucksake, trot the Old Man through every department and let us GAWK at the This Big Fart, m’kay? Then i can yell from my cell…err work area " Hey, did you know your store is only slightly higher in ranking than a Death Camp in thrills and excitement?"
Hey, you! Yeah, you in the car! WTF is the deal with stopping 20 feet behind the car in front of you at a red light, and then cre-e-e-e-e-e-e-eping forwarding to normal stopping distance?
This has happened to me twice in the past 2 days, stopping behind drivers like that (or perhaps one person with 2 different vehicles?). What kind of brain damage is responsible for this?