Thank you, Drunk Concertgoer, for proving that sexism still exists.

There is a talented woman on stage with something to say if you would fucking LISTEN!!! BUT NO!!! You’re drunk and an asshole. SO you must insist, and very loudly, that you wish for this woman to SHOW YOU HER TITS!!! And just in case the proformer and all others around didn’t hear you the first time, you must implore her again. SHOW ME YOUR TITS!!! SHOW ME YOUR TITS!!!

Jeez…it’s enough to drive you mad. :mad:


I am so going to get banned for that.

Well, it’s the other way around too. I’ve got concert videos where women scream suggestive things at male performers. And wasn’t it Elvis or the Beatles for whom girls so swooned that they shouted “Let me have your baby?”


“Show us your tits.”


How passe.
“Strip naked and give me a blowjob!” is what I’m yelling at the Shania Twain concert.


Let me know if it works.

Good Lord Ilsa ! You have WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to much time on your hands.
But I loved it anyway! BRAVO!

[related anecdote] Madonna actually sang “Get Your Tits Out For The Boys” onstage when she was performing in England. It was a nice little gag, I thought. [/related anecdote]

Not banned, but you are damn sure gonna get warned for that. Don’t do it again.

For the Straight Dope

Just out of curiosity, what was the show?

What did Ilsa_Lund do?

“Live Nude Girls.” Not sure what the OP’s problem is, exactly.


Hydro: Ilsa posted a gigantic ASCII drwaing of a naked woman from the waist up.

It was an ASCII - style pic of a topless chica.

Ha! Too slow, lola, too slow!

What is ASCII?

Can we still yell “FREEBIRD”?

Just drawing a picture with different letters and numbers. Like how “:)” is an ASCII smilie face.

What concert?

Check out this site for some examples of ASCII art.

Just be thankful he wasn’t at a production of The Vagina Monologues.

“I don’t know, dear. Sounds like he keeps shouting, ‘Tow me your swat.’”