Thank you James Dobson's! The future looks great!

This is bullshit! My son is in Boy Scouts. See this Wikipedia page re: BSA’s “membership controversies”.

BSA has successfully kicked out gays, atheists, agnostics, and members who publicly advocated for changes in BSA’s policy toward the above groups. BSA has repeatedly won legal challenges to the expulsions, and to the membership policies that supported the expulsions.

Also, there are existing BSA rules preventing ANY adult from tenting with a child other than his/her own son. That’s part of BSA’s extensive Youth Protection Program.

Whoever wrote that part of the letter hasn’t had contact with Scouting in decades. And is a delusional lying manipulative fuckwit.

Or reality. But hey, such is the life of an email forward writer.

Funny how this would happen with the gays, but interfaith marriage has been legal for quite a while, and nobody is forcing Conservative or Orthodox Jews to allow synagogues to be used for interfaith weddings…

The only problem I see is how are people supposed to have their mandatory gay marriage and a mandatory abortion? If everyone is compelled by federal law to be gay then how are they supposed to get pregnant in the first place? Unless there will be mandatory artificial insemination…I suppose it would work that way.

Dayum — I could have sworn that Criswell was dead!

No, they’re just required to have gay sex regularly, AND straight sex, because bisexuality is another requirement.

Orgies too. Lots of orgies.

Ah, I didn’t know about the mandatory bisexual orgies. I withdraw my objections.

But won’t someone please think of the children, too? Where’s their role in this?

Seriously, I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.

In the rectory perhaps.

Mandatory abortions for stem cell research. Do keep up. :wink:


Now, see, this is weak. How many verses of the Bible are about homosexual acts?
Two or three? Out of how many verses in the Bible as a whole?

Now, if you’re going to ban specific subject matter, it should be about something good. Like, when the Bible advocates genocide, or executing children for being disobedient, or when major God-blessed characters do things like murder people to steal their wives.

I know! Let’s ban the most offensive stuff, like when Jesus advocates giving all you have to the poor, turning the other cheek, letting the meek inherit the Earth, or loving your enemies!

Oh, wait – that’s all liberal stuff.

Never mind.

I’ve mentioned this before, but when I took over our church’s library the pastor’s first rule was “No Dobson.”

Impressive! He really is quite the menace to society, and one of the reasons that led to me becoming an apostate (so, I guess I owe him something.) My old church growing up thought Dobson was the bee’s knees, but his hatred, wacko hypocrisy, and un-Christlike attitude become increasingly disturbing to me.

Well, we’re Evangelical Lutherans, so socially we’re pretty pink. And heretics theologically.

The Supreme Court of the US does it a bit differently than most. They put the party seeking review first. So, this would imply Mr. Dale won below, and the BSA peitition the Supreme Court to hear their case.

Miranda v. Arizona for example, gideon v wainwright, Bush v. Gore, etc.

I have a very similar rule for my car radio - No Daughtry.


I’m curious about how our new Lord and Master is able to get the Supreme Court to do his Imperial bidding. Does he have to kill the existing Justices and replace them with cronies? Or does he employ some sort of ‘persuasion’ to get them in line?

He simply burns out their minds and controls them directly. I’ve heard that, for fun, he makes Scalia, Alito and Thomas act out scenes from “Priscilla, Queen of the Desert”.
