Thank you, Opalcat

When our home was flooded, you took us in and treated us like your own family. You are wonderful. Thank you very much. I’ll try to visit you often and bring something nice for your house. Edlyn loves your board. I wish you success and happiness in everything you do. God go with you always.

The Fabulous Forums of Fathom

Fabulous, indeed!

Oh yeah, the flowers & hugs are already being tossed around over here:

Except I don’t know what the heck it takes to get someone to respond to you over there. Sheesh.



Where do you live Lib? I could have sworn Opalcat was in my neck of the woods (Fairfax, Va), and for some reason I always had a sense that you were either farther north, or farther south than this…Does my Edwardian sense fail me?

It’s metaphorical, eh.

Ah, that point escaped me…

Yes, Opal. Thank you very much.

I’m looking forward to the party very much.

Meatros wrote:

Why, in Libertaria of course! :slight_smile:

its warm there, I’m sure…:dubious:

You’re welcome :slight_smile: And of course, everyone is welcome to hang out there anytime, even when the Dope is running. We have a different feel and it can nice to have the variety. I know, I post at both.

So where’s “The Quantum Plenum”?