Someone on this message board, and I cannot even remember the post from which it came (although I think it was in MPSIMS) and cannot find it on search, linked to this lovely gem. I opened it with my 15 month old daughter present and now, whenever I sit at the computer, all she wants to see is this fucking movie. Tonight, I had to sit through it over 15 times because every time I took it off she started to cry. Plus, I have that stupid song playing in my head constantly. It’s gotten so bad that when I hear the song, I want to tear out my ears and beat myself on the head with them! So whoever you are, please fess up so I can thank you properly!
Warning: If you have small kids, do not open this link with them around. You will be in permanent hell!
Actually, no, it wasn’t that post that I saw it in…I think it was a post about the most irritating ads or unforgettable ads or something along those lines. I refuse to open the Badger link as I might get sucked in like I was sucked into the egg movie! But I would assume that whoever subsequently posted the link to the egg movie that I saw, originally saw it in the AwSnappity thread, so by default, I pit you AwSnappity for making my life a living hell! I will be sending a lot of curses your way every single time that song goes through my head!
Dammit! I opened the Badger link. Thank God, I don’t think it would have the appeal of the egg movie for a 15 month old so I doubt she would latch on to it like she has to the other but that’s some fucked up shit!