Thanks, you've pissed me off yet again...

Hey all,

Any of you out there enjoy the website and it’s whimsical links to news and information all over the web?

Well, there are usually one or two that light me up, good for the cardio system :>)

Here were two such links from today; was wondering what the fine people from ‘The Straight Dope’ thought of them…

Enjoy, or be annoyed…


This one was on Fark earlier today but was dropped. Took me a while to hunt it down, but here it is:


So… is your beef with the site or the content of the links?

To me, going to is sort of mentally poking yourself in the eye, it hurts but you just can’t seem to stop yourself from doing it. :eek:

So that would be uhh… Yes, I think it’s a great site, and it’s not so much a beef as it is complete and utter amazement regarding their links’ content: On almost a daily basis there is at least one link that portrays peoples’ thoughts - or the lack thereof - and actions that are so incredible, that I’m left wondering whether the human race is doomed.