Thanksgiving-themed horror, fantasy, or sci-fi?

BTVS has an awesome Thanksgiving episode called “Pangs.” **Scream Queens **did a Thanksgiving episode last year called “Ghost Stories.” I think Charmed and **the Vampire Diaries **had Thanksgiving episodes too.

And I own a horror short story collection called Haunted Holidays that includes a Thanksgiving tale.

But what else is there out there in book, movie, or TV episode form that is horror, fantasy and/or sci-fi AND related to Thanksgiving? Surely there’s more!

One episode of Star Trek—“Charlie X,” IIRC—took place around Thanksgiving. A minor point, but there were turkeys involved.

There’s the hilariously bad Thankskilling , of course.

And, of course,* Addams Family Values *has the greatest Thanksgiving Summer Camp play…“Eat Me!”

Damn, it’s a shame there aren’t more.

It doesn’t sell internationally, and there isn’t really a clear theme to hang a story on.

Well, there’s The Facts of Life Reunion. If the idea of sitting through that doesn’t fill you with sheer horror, I don’t know what would.

There’s always this…

While meant as comedy, the WKRP Thanksgiving show where they drop turkeys out of planes has always struck me as being intensely horrifying for the spectators when I visualize the actual details of what they describe happening.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s Thanksgiving episode was called “Pangs.” “Ritual sacrifice with pie.”

To me, Northern Exposure is on the edge of fantasy. The magical town of Cicely had a very special way of celebrating Thanksgiving–discussed at the AVclub in 2010.

Which I mentioned in the first line of the first post…

The Wiz (the movie) takes place on Thanksgiving (though only the opening scenes really use that).

Miracle on 34th Street begins on Thanksgiving.

Because I watched it every Thanksgiving for years, I will always associate King Kong with Thanksgiving. I started a thread about it many moons ago here.