That is *disgusting!*

This has probably been done to death, but I live near a high school with lots of little punk kids, so deal. :wink:

To all you cute adorable munckins standing near me on the subway platform / bus stop / street:

Stop spitting on the ground. Repeatedly.

No, it does not make you look cool. It is vulgar, crass, rude, and gross beyond belief, and it makes me want to vomit copiously, and the next person who does this will have my expensive leather boot implanted up their arse.

Thank you, and have a nice day.

Then they have accomplished their objective. I find that pointing and breaking into laughter has a much better effect.

Ah, kids acting tough and grown up. Whenever I see them I chuckle, both at them and myself, for I was once the same. Now I know how people thought of me. I try and explain this to my own, but nothing will teach as well as truly growing up and finding yourself on the opposite end of the equation.

More annoying is the adults who never mature beyond this stage.

I love the teenage girls (who always seem to travel in packs and dress exactly the same) who hold cigarettes but they never take any drags off of them. They’re just holding them to look tough and rebellious. Wow I’m impressed by your antiestablishmentarianism ladies!

You could get your revenge by giving in to the urge…preferably on or near some of them.

I have students - seems to be mostly African-American kids, but I wouldn’t swear to it- who think that it’s disgusting NOT to spit. When I suggest that they actually swallow their own saliva instead of spitting it out, they react a lot like I’ve asked them to clean the soles of their shoes with their tongues. They expect to get hall passes to spit in the water fountains, and if I say no, then they spit in my trash can.

I’m baffled by this, but they appear to be sincere in their belief that spitting is hygienic and swallowing is horrible.

Ugh. I can’t stand the sight of mucus. And if the big old glob of spit on the sidewalk weren’t enough to make me dry-heave, there’s the lovely music of “hoooork…snork…hork…PTOO!”

20something guys of the world: there is no bigger turnoff than seeing your mucus. It’s not cool, it’s not manly, it’s disgusting. It’s not just unsexy. It’s antisexy. Where’s the puke smiley?

Pitting spitting… Oh, the irony…

Well it certainly seems consistant. Westerners typically have the notion that, if you have a runny nose, sucking the snot up your nose is swallowing it is an absolutely disgusting thing to do wheras the appropriate thing to do is to expell it, preferably into a tissue. If you view spit in the same vein as you view snot, then those people who swallow spit are as disgusting as those who take great big sniffling slurps of snot whenever they have a cold.

True, spitting into a tissue might be more polite than spitting in view, but again, it depends on sensibilities. The Chinese have no problems with expelling snot straight into a bin or drain.

that is really gross. These are probably the same people who throw rubbish onto the floor when there is a bin 2 fucking feet away.

You know, if you would toss just one of the little bastards into the path of an oncoming train, the others would probably take the hint.

I once knew a woman who couldn’t swallow her spit. This was during her pregnancy, and it DID make her sick.

Other than that, yeah, you’re right. It’s disgusting.

I agree with you completely. It is utterly disgusting. However, this:

No, it does not make you look cool. It is vulgar, crass, rude, and gross beyond belief, and it makes me want to vomit copiously, and the next person who does this will have my expensive leather boot implanted up their arse.


is just a waste of good shoes.