So, the Mennen corporation, in its finite wisdom, has decide to discontinue the brand of pre-shave gel I’d been using with my electric razor. (Afta - which still has an available aftershave version). I know this because I’ve checked multiple stores for the product over the course of a month, and turned up bupkes.
I’m more than a little upset - I can’t use aftershave, because the act of rubbing anything on my face after shaving it causes me no end of irritation.
So, I do what I always do in a situation like this. I buy the “equivalent” product that looks the best on the shelf. In this case, Lectric Shave’s pre-shave liquid.
And, you know what? It works really well. Better than Afta. Close shave, no irritation, and I can even bear the smell, which is unusual for me, as I’m normally very avoidant of strong odors.
The problem is that it’s a liquid, and not a cream or gel. It doesn’t rub or spread; it runs right through my fingers as I try my best to slop a small portion of it onto my face. Short of acquiring a bucket, and filling it with Lectric Shave, I can’t figure out a way to get decent coverage.
Don’t really know anything about electric shaving, but I got to thinking about this. How about getting a generic spray bottle and putting Lectric Shave in that? That way you just spray the stuff where it’s needed.