That wasn't fruit in that yougurt! (TMI!!!!)

My brother was over for the 3-day weekend a few days ago, and it just so happened that both of us went out on a date on the same day (though different places, thank Og! :eek: ). While we were talking in my room, he says, “Hold on a minute, I’m going to get something to eat”. He goes off to get something from the fridge in the garage and comes back in my room. While we are discussing our own respective ups and downs about our evening out with our dates, he comments, “Sheesh, the fruit in that yogurt tastes nasty!”. I look on the label, and comment, “Uh, Sean? That yougurt doesn’t heve have fruit pieces in it!”. He looks rather puzzled. Then we see expiration date…which was Last November! :eek:


How did the maggots get inside the yogurt?

This is about maggots, isn’t it?

I think it was…

fungus of some sort :eek:

Eh, better than maggots.

Could it have been maggot fungus?

Once in 6th grade I was eating my lunch at school. I smelled some awful disgusting rotton smell, but I assumed someone around me was just eating something disgusting.

Then I opened my milk, took a swig, then promptly spit the disgusting mess out.

The expiration date was the previous Decemeber. 'Twas April when I took the swig.

Thinking that you have fruit in your yogurt when you really don’t is no worse than thinking that you have yogurt when you don’t.

(Note to self: Never eat yogurt at mangeorge’s house.)

See, that’s why I don’t eat yogurt. Or things with fruit in them.

You sure its fruit?

Man best TMI thread I made in a while! :smiley:

I just came in to say:

I was looking at two thread titles: One was about a hypothetical in which Jeb Bush was elected President in '08. The other was this thread. Guess which one I decided my stomach could handle?

I’m reminded of the scene in Notting Hill when the roommate is eating something and saying “there’s something wrong with this yogurt,” only to be told that it is, in fact, mayonnaise. :eek: