That's Cat?

Anyone here know of a webpage devoted to the Kid’s TV show, or have any fond (or not so fond) memories of it?

I was asked by a co-worker if I’d heard of the show and I have a dim memory of watching it as a kid (really only the theme song)

My googling only found a reference to Alice Playton as being on the show. I tried to do a search of the board but ‘cat’ is too short a word.

I basical remember the song from it. All I can recall is that there was a young women and when things were good it was " thats cat"

But I think it could not have been that great . I say this because there are not tons of it to be found. these days if you can not find a dozen websites on something it could not have been that great. Plus it is not being reran.

I would also add that if it was great wouldn’t someone remember as so. Think of the things that you recall watching as a kid and have now rewatched and thought what on earth was I thinking?
Such as Gillagens Island, Krofts super show ect ect.

“Sometimes, something that’s cat in one place … isn’t cat in another.”

Hey, pumpkin, come along with me,
There’s places to go and things to see,
Take a look at this and that,
and then tell me what’s cat.
That’s Cat.
That’s Cat.
That means that you like that.
Like an Indian drum or a kiss from your mom,
Or gettin’ something under your hat.
That’s Cat.
(That’s Cat.)
That’s Cat.
(That’s Cat.)
That’s Cat.
(That’s Cat.)