That's it. Won't watch Glee anymore.

I have come to accept homosexuality as a normal feature in American television. I’m OK with two men identified as being gay partners, though I was rather disappointed with the Jeff Goldblum character. But if in this season they’re going to be showing two men kissing prolonged, then the old me takes over. I don’t care what people say, I think it’s disgusting and not something I will have my daughter watch. And I don’t care if I’m the last intolerant person on earth.

It’s been nice, I’m going to miss Rachel Berry. I can always youtube the old season numbers. Just sharing.


What does your daughter think?

To me all prolonged, closeup kissing on TV (or anywhere) is disgusting. I just cover my eyes.

Why would it matter if your daughter saw it though?


Glee went downhill after 2 seasons and I stopped watching after 3.

To the questions: 1) she likes boys so it mystifies her, 2) yes. To the other sharees, I think I’ll take your names down. :wink:

Right decision. Wrong reason.

No problem - boys are so awesome to kiss, even some other boys think so too. Presto!

Anyway, not like I give a shit if you don’t watch - I think they’re scum for ripping off Jonathan Coulton’s arrangement without a damned bit of credit, much less money.

How old is your daughter, who already knows she finds boys attractive but doesn’t need to see that it’s a normal thing for grown men to find each other attractive?


“You like boys, right? Well, some boys do too. But most boys like girls, and they will like you just fine.”

You know, your own daughter might be gay, and if she’s not she will have a friend who is. Do you really want to take the risk of instilling her with self-loathing and an increased risk of destructive behaviours just because you can’t get beyond your own bigotry? Or, if the friend, do you really want her to be someone that helps drive another child down the same dark path?

Gay people are real, and just as human as anyone else. Please don’t make our lives harder because of your prejudices. And we promise, we’ll stop kissing in public as soon as you do.

Is that to say I, a grown man, am abnormal for not finding other men attractive?

*A *normal thing, not *the *normal thing. There can be more than one normal thing.

I don’t like a lot of cheese on pizza. People on TV always order extra cheese.

Same sort of thing.

Wait, you mean not all men who watch Glee are gay?

There’s nothing for her to get. But I think I know where she got the idea that she has an open invitation to decide if other people’s sexual preferences make sense.

Y’know, you kind of sound like the grandson in Princess Bride. “Eww, more kissing stuff?”